1) Download and install Imbed PHP its a mambot
www.joomlahacks.com/component/option,com...p;or register./
2) Make sure the mambot is published (I forget this all the time)
3) Make a static content page called "Mortgage Calculator" (or what ever u want to call it).
4) I use ARTIO JoomSEF, so I make a link to this static content page, then record the URL to it, for instance the page that will display the mortgage calculator on my site is:
5) Download PHP Calculator
6) Edit line 184 in the file mortgage_calculator.php change the "action=" line to reflect the URL you recorded in step 4.
7) Upload mortgage_calculator.php to the root directory of your website.
Turn off your WYSIWYG editor in the global configuration for your Joomla site.
9) Paste this into the content are for the static page you created in step 3