Looks really great. Have to admit, every time I've taken a look at Replicant I've been overwhelmed by the heavy imagery. Not to suggest it isn't a nice template, I just haven't yet been able to visualize a use for it.
Your site has made me rethink that. It looks clean and organized and is very easy to read and navigate.
Overall, really nice adaptation of the template
I'm absolutely blown away by your photography!
One issue I did notice is that when I click on the images in the "Story Behind" intros on the front page, the rokzoomed image falls behind the video player of the middle section there.
I see that you have some issue on your site with explorer 6. The logo and some border do not show up. Try to add absolut path in the ie6.css file like this example..
I'm using FF and it works great...maybe Wendy's right..Linux issue.
Beautiful site, nice layout...In your "story behind" of the tree frog there's a typo. A capital I instead of lower case is needed...I'm not sure you were looking for this type of feedback. If so I can email you a few locations of this instance.
Adding padding to the modules of the "story behind" might add to the continuity of the site since there's padding on most of the other modules.