4 Months ago I desided trying to build our website with zero knowledge myself and heard about Joomla, a month later (thank you thank you thank you!) I discovered Rockettheme. Now after a couple af months with joy and headache and of course late nights further, I'm pleased to show you the result.
Special thanks go out to James, who helped me out with a lot of big and minor issues. OK Ok I may be a rocketeer but it is rather a rocketeer by questions than a real one . For now I can say joomla really rocks and Rockettheme really really is the best template site. I can recommend it to everyone. Still discovering the oppertunities of joomla and I will surely build further with this site
Ok over to the site
Goal of the site: create a site for a branche of veterinary clinics with the highest standards of care AND being very accesible
looks good.... my only recommendation would be to adjust the Rok-Slideshow settings. Because of the size of your displayed image, the transition effect causes some jittering. Really a minor issue though.
"Everyone has to get knocked-down every once-in-a-while, otherwise you'll never learn how to get-back-up!
" A quote attributed to my Grandpa Wagers
already have tried some changes. For me it's also a pain in the ....eye. Somebody knows what is most likely the cause?
My settings are:
dynamic risizing yes
Image duration 9000
Transition duration 2000
Pan 25
Zoom 25
To large pictures (they are around 40kb and size is around 900px while the box is 455)?
I've been thinking in changing to "fading"effects but I like the combo-ken.
I have noticed the most "jitter" in the larger images. I think it looks better if the image is a bit smaller and have less zoom (the jitter is caused by the resizing of the pixels while zooming).
"Everyone has to get knocked-down every once-in-a-while, otherwise you'll never learn how to get-back-up!
" A quote attributed to my Grandpa Wagers
Made some adjustments to the rokslideshow but don't get it better than this. Saw some sites with monoslide with the same effects which were more fluent. Is this a better component?
Maico. Old post, but great site. After many months now at RT, I finally decided to see some of the great designs out there. I appreciate your attention to detail--spacing, color, etc. I love the footprints in the background. How did you get the images in the background? Anyway, thought I'd congratulate you on the great site.