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Joomla Website Design Club - Media Mogul

  • Joomla Website Design Club - Media Mogul

    Posted 17 years 4 days ago
    • ::) Simple use of an excellent template.

      Community Builder

      Simple template to work with.

      The goal is to allow web designers to create groups (launchpads) to feature their site they are working on - whether it be a personal, company, or client website and then allow others to join their launchpad and give feedback, critiques, assistance and participation in the website and vise versa. Simply create a launchpad and join other launchpads and collaborate.

      http://joomlauncher.com I was surprised out how well it lays out...looking for over all look and feel. (Yes, I will be putting the Favicon up tonight :P )

      P.S. Yes, I have some content to fill in, but I wanted to get some feed back as overall site...does the message come through?)
    • Last Edit: 17 years 3 days ago by .
    • "You can learn a lot from a dummy. So, pay attention to yourself." Quote by me.
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    Re: Joomla Website Design Club - Media Mogul

    Posted 17 years 10 hours ago
    • Hi William,

      I love your site. It looks great, and the concept, as I understand it, is a cool one.

      I wonder though if you might want to clarify your purpose. Is this a site that web-designers of all stripes may join? Or is it a home site for a members only club. It isn't very clear to me. This may be my own bias, but I would like to see a sort-of "Start Here" or "sign-up here" that is obvious.

      Some other questions I had that I didn't find easy answers to:

      Is it Free? If not, how much does it cost to join.

      What are the benefits of your site/community?

      What might I do to help other developers if I join? Reviewing, okay. But will I be helping to jump-start forums? Leave comments to get the ball rolling?

      Maybe a FAQ would be an option?

      I may have a completely wrong impression of what your site is all about :P , but I hope not because I think that it is a great idea. ;)
    • It feels like someone with a fever is yelling at my pants.
  • Re: Joomla Website Design Club - Media Mogul

    Posted 17 years 6 hours ago
    • Ellie wrote:
      Hi William,

      I love your site. It looks great, and the concept, as I understand it, is a cool one.

      Thanks - as you can see it is a vision in progress.
      Ellie wrote:

      I wonder though if you might want to clarify your purpose. Is this a site that web-designers of all stripes may join? Or is it a home site for a members only club. It isn't very clear to me. This may be my own bias, but I would like to see a sort-of "Start Here" or "sign-up here" that is obvious.

      Exactly - it's a club (anyone designer can join :P ) where we work together to help each other build better sites, but go that extra step. By you giving me that feed back of "Start Here" or Sign-up Here" or that you need more clarification - I can make the site better. We all need that kind of feed back to get better and in the real world - it's hard to find. If I create a site for the consumer and put it out there - getting feed back can be like finding a needle in a haystack or if I have a client that I am working with and want some one to review my current status with feed back or give me some ideas -- well, I don't really have a support system for that. So, building a club that does that will only help us bring our sites to the next level (which is most of our goals - to create a website and launch it into success)
      Ellie wrote:

      Some other questions I had that I didn't find easy answers to:

      Is it Free? If not, how much does it cost to join.

      What are the benefits of your site/community?

      What might I do to help other developers if I join? Reviewing, okay. But will I be helping to jump-start forums? Leave comments to get the ball rolling?

      Yes, it is free and the benefits are building up a network of individuals who are looking to build more than just a cool site - people who are looking to build successful sites. Yeah, I am going to clarify that on the site more, but it is the next level I am looking at - because you can get great support on templates here or you can go to other forums and get Joomla support, but where do you go to fine tune your site? or where do you go for membership drive or marketing of what works/how to or upping your conversion ratio or where do you go to get feed back for that site that you are presenting to that client?

      Plus, collaborating is key to any successful venture. So, using social networking techniques - you can create a group for your site and join groups of other sites and then work together to improve each other sites. Plus, then you will build up a team of individuals to surround yourself with who are like minded and want to be successful.

      Ellie wrote:

      Maybe a FAQ would be an option?

      Most Definitely!!!

      Ellie wrote:

      I may have a completely wrong impression of what your site is all about :P , but I hope not because I think that it is a great idea. ;)

      Nope - your right on the money. Also, the bigger goal is - as powerful as the open source community is - if they would take that spirit to the next level - ::) ooooh the thing they could do :P . So, I am hoping to capture some of that spirit in a "Web Design Club" - Joomla helps you with a cms site (and then some) - RocketTheme helps you make better looking cms sites (and then some) and Joomlaunchers goal is to help you launch your cms site (and then some).

      Thanks for the wonderful feed back - we are left in the dark sometimes in this business without feed back - let's start shedding some light on the subject.

      I hope Joomlauncher takes off and people start to work together with what they have to offer on each others sites. That would be awesome and in the end a time saver for everyone. Because the little effort you spend helping someone with their site is more than made up for when some one helps you with your site. I mean nothing is worse than pushing your site for months only to find out there was problem with the layout or you were missing that key piece of the puzzle that if someone would of told you - you wouldn't of wasted all you time and effort. So again - any effort you put into helping others will be a time saver in the end. Also, a headache saver, a money saver etc...
    • "You can learn a lot from a dummy. So, pay attention to yourself." Quote by me.
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    Re: Joomla Website Design Club - Media Mogul

    Posted 17 years 5 hours ago
    • Okay...I'm definitely in. :D (just registered)

      I really do think it is an excellent idea. You are so right when you say that "we are left in the dark sometimes in this business without feed back". Why do you have a high bounce rate on your homepage? Well, it's hard to corner those people who took one look and left. And if you knew, you would fix it (or try to). So it's a great thing to have others who have no vested interest in your site (friends and family tend to be soooo damn positive and polite...."looks great!" is about all I can ever get from the useless bastards... ::) ) who will tell it to you gently, but straight. And being developers themselves, can help suggest solutions. And turning a critical eye to your fellow members' sites will help to sharpen your thinking on website design/development on the whole.

      It's really win/win, yeah?

      I do have one further suggestion...see how we roll already? ;)

      I am a member of the alledia.com joomla seo club (love it) and Steve has wisely made the vast majority of the forums on that site private, so that we can all get serious and real about ideas and suggestions without the general public reading our "behind the curtain" conversations.

      Imagine someone doing a search on the name of your site, only to end up in a public forum where you are discussing user retention tactics and the problem with security you just pulled an all-nighter to patch. Some things really should not be for public consumption.
    • It feels like someone with a fever is yelling at my pants.
  • Re: Joomla Website Design Club - Media Mogul

    Posted 17 years 5 hours ago
    • Ellie wrote:
      Okay...I'm definitely in. :D (just registered)

      I really do think it is an excellent idea. You are so right when you say that "we are left in the dark sometimes in this business without feed back". Why do you have a high bounce rate on your homepage? Well, it's hard to corner those people who took one look and left. And if you knew, you would fix it (or try to). So it's a great thing to have others who have no vested interest in your site (friends and family tend to be soooo damn positive and polite...."looks great!" is about all I can ever get from the useless bastards... ::) ) who will tell it to you gently, but straight. And being developers themselves, can help suggest solutions. And turning a critical eye to your fellow members' sites will help to sharpen your thinking on website design/development on the whole.

      It's really win/win, yeah?

      I do have one further suggestion...see how we roll already? ;)

      I am a member of the alledia.com joomla seo club (love it) and Steve has wisely made the vast majority of the forums on that site private, so that we can all get serious and real about ideas and suggestions without the general public reading our "behind the curtain" conversations.

      Imagine someone doing a search on the name of your site, only to end up in a public forum where you are discussing user retention tactics and the problem with security you just pulled an all-nighter to patch. Some things really should not be for public consumption.

      Wooo wooo thanks - yes - you are right. I think that everyone looks at code, and template and all the wonderful things about making websites - but we forget why we are making them in the first place - to launch them and they be successful. Yes, family and friends are the last people to turn to, not because you don't care about them, but heck, they are to close. I think what sadly gets greatly ignored is the release of a website and the final product. Releasing a website is worse than boot camp before going off to war - you learn this, you learn that and then bam - they hand you a gun and say 'Good Luck Son". I don't want that experience with website design. Nor do I want to design sites for others and be left in the dark - I want some feedback before I go happily skipping to the client telling them I am done, then being shown what I missed by them.

      Yes, in each group you set your privacy and allow who you want in...each group has its own forum, bulletin etc. Plus, in the major forum I am still racking my brains as to the layout and categories. - I am not sure if I should put the information in a nice blog format within sections and categories or place it in the forum. So, the :P forum is ummmm blank lol

      Thanks for signing up - now all you do is make a launchpad for each of your sites...I will be one of the first to join (If you let me ::) ) and I will offer up my assistance.

      Plus, I am looking at doing Critique of the Week...a video critique of a entire website. I think that will have a big impact for designers seeing their sites through someone else's' eyes. Also, I have some more ideas, but I want to get what I have finalized.
    • "You can learn a lot from a dummy. So, pay attention to yourself." Quote by me.
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    Re: Joomla Website Design Club - Media Mogul

    Posted 16 years 11 months ago
    • in the footer - you have the joomlauncher logo but it still links to RT .. all good and i'm sure andy is happy but i think you might want to change it - it's in index.php if you didn't already know ;)
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    Re: Joomla Website Design Club - Media Mogul

    Posted 16 years 11 months ago
    • I hate to be a PITA (Pain-in-the-)...

      But William... I am not sure if I have created my launchpad. Have I? I created something, but was it just my profile? And how do I know who members are, so that I may invite them?

      Looking forward to digging in,

    • It feels like someone with a fever is yelling at my pants.
  • Re: Joomla Website Design Club - Media Mogul

    Posted 16 years 11 months ago
    • Ellie wrote:
      I hate to be a PITA (Pain-in-the-)...

      But William... I am not sure if I have created my launchpad. Have I? I created something, but was it just my profile? And how do I know who members are, so that I may invite them?

      Looking forward to digging in,


      Cool, I just checked it out and yes - you created a launchpad. (I know :( sad, sad state that I am still working on the site) - but I figured I should probably create a launchpad for the site itself. :P

      Oh, yes I will set the member list to on, and viewable for members, tonight. Plus, I will also, set it to auto picture for those who do not load a picture lol :P

      I have checked out your site earlier and wanted to give you some feedback but was waiting on your launchpad so, I can give it in private. Unless you want others to view.

      This is cool and I am excited - I got the chilly willies. ::) :P ;D Thanks for your feedback.

      And no your not a pain.

      Also, I just put in a request to join your launchpad. I love your your description for you launchpad.
    • "You can learn a lot from a dummy. So, pay attention to yourself." Quote by me.
  • Re: Joomla Website Design Club - Media Mogul

    Posted 16 years 11 months ago
    • damo wrote:
      in the footer - you have the joomlauncher logo but it still links to RT .. all good and i'm sure andy is happy but i think you might want to change it - it's in index.php if you didn't already know ;)

      Thanks - I changed it...I am thinking I should join the RocketTheme Affiliate Program...hmmmm, they do have one right?
    • "You can learn a lot from a dummy. So, pay attention to yourself." Quote by me.
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    Re: Joomla Website Design Club - Media Mogul

    Posted 16 years 11 months ago
    • yes they do.

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