Nice job on the site. Although, I have one small suggestion. When I first went to the site, I was thrown off by the look of the site and what I expected. The images reminded me of elementary school drawings and didn't have anything to do with the work that the agency was doing. Then I re-read your description and now understand what your reasoning was, i.e., protecting the identity of the children by instead showing their work in their art therapy classes. Now I get it.
My suggestion is to also let everyone else who goes to the site also know that. Your explanation is perfect but it needs to be displayed somewhere obvious for everyone who visits the site who may have the same first-impression that I did.
One other little tiny thing, the browser tab states "Home" on the homepage. You can fix that to be the agency name in the Home item in the menu under Page Display.
Last Edit: 5 years 4 months ago by Rae French.
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