Components used: Podcast Suite, Facile Forms, sh404SEF, XMap, Jcal Pro
Theme: Dimensions by Rocket Theme
Plugins and Modules: Allvideos plugin, Extended Gallery
produced by: Moseley Web Solutions in conjunction with Hannsidal Express:
Hannisdal Expess provides Video, Web, and Print Media Solutions
Many thanks to all the kind people that helped me out along the way. There are probably too many to thank! And thank you to the great people who release open source code!
I did a fair amount of tweaking to it myself though to get the output to be XHTML valid. It is by far the best for podcasts though. Sets up the XML file that iTunes grabs and automatically updates it. It really DOES podcasting. A lot of the others don't.
FYI - IE6 is doing your site NO favors. I know that IE6 is a terrible browser, but a lot of people still use it, which is why I look at everyone's site at least once using it. You may want to install the PNG fix bot. It looks good in FF though.
Thanks for the notice. I've had that happen to me too, but sometimes I re-fresh and it goes away. I developed the site checking regularly with IE 6 and Dimensions comes with PNG fix included. During Development it was fine (a pain in the BUT, but fine).
However, I think the cache component and the PNG fix are clashing with each other a bit. Still, I've asked the church to keep me in formed as to "the site looks crappy" remarks, and I haven't heard too many reports of crappy looking site from the church.
I don't have the link right now, but I saw an article where a top level tech guy in Microsoft was trying to figure out why the Alpha filters flake out - these are things the PNG fix uses. So I think they are a bit unstable. Next time? no transparency for me.
Once when I had this issue on one of my sites. I found out that the reason behind the PNG issue had to do with the way that Adobe Photoshop renders the PNG out. I had to reprocess them through Fireworks, then the problem magically went away. It was really strange. I spoke with another guy on here who had the same issue, and he did the same thing and had the same results.
Do you use Adobe Photoshop (or maybe Elements)? If so, you can re-render the images through Fireworks, and it will almost always fix the problem. If you use Fireworks, then it's probably the cache plugin reeking havok.
Yeah, I use fireworks. Saw that others had the same problem as you with Photoshop, so I went ahead and got Fireworks. I actually really like it for web stuff.
If I clear both my caches (joomla and other cache component) and then re-fresh with IE 6 everything is fine. I'm guessing it still isn't fine for you?
Let me know if it isn't. Maybe I can turn off the cache program and have you take a look at it after that to see if it is still blocking up because it is good on my end.
Ok, Cool. Thanks for checking. It really is weird because I've had people tell me that it looks bad, but on my end it is good. I guess I'll just keep it as it is for right now - maybe look into the cache thing. Thanks for the help.