As far as components/plugins (it really is a j.1.0.15), I have sh404sef, joomap, allvideosplugin, mycontent, joomlastats (about to remove it though), joomlaxplorer, and fck editor...
there are quite a few pages with content in wrappers, but it was a slick wrapper...
I custom designed the appointment setting component... actually is just an iframe going to it, but the component is my own idea... the company uses Google Apps, this appointment setter has a mootools popup calendar to pick the date, and securityimages captcha to prevent spam, the processing script will send an email to the office staff in HTML format with the company logo , it details all the fields filled out in that, but also has a link ---> add to calendar.... this is a custom link to add the event to the company's shared google calendar for appointments...
you have link to the component from one menu, though that menu does not have to be visible... I went to the component page and copied the link for that map entry and made a SEF link in sh404sef for it for the menus, to avoid having the user have to click through 2 pages to get to it.
Thank you! The client was especially pleased.. his site was already Joomla before I got started, but the template was really bland and basic. Hardly any content... They were using Zoom media gallery, and the doctor was putting all the content into that, accompanying the photos... they had fabrik running for the appointment setting page, which only sent an email to them... fabrik is kind of overkill for an appointment setter, and it was just a bunch of fields left justified... still need to add a javascript validation in for the email and phone number... Originally I modified his logo so that it was using gold text instead of blue and wiped out the white background, but he wanted to keep the colors exactly the way they were, with white background - the whole site had a white background before...he suggested the white box around the logo... not sure that really looks good... perhaps I will add in the roknewsflash module in the top right area, and move the search box down onto the menubar....
Actually no, I am in Houston. Funny thing, this Internet... bringing people together from everywhere. I have never actually met my client face to face... many clients I get these days I never actually meet... understandable with the gasoline prices doubling in the last 2 years... I love working from home!