One thing I did find is that whenever I clicked on a Main Category in the directory (either on the center or on the right) the image is broken over the word "Categories" on the left. This happened on all the links that I tried.
I really like how you did the News Channels. Was that something you wrote custom?
I must say, Artio SEF, Feed Gator, and SEF Service Map make a killer combo.
The site has been in development for 4 weeks and I just submitted 3345 urls to google for indexing and they will continue to index the 50 some articles we receive each day.
Nice site justin, Love the way the subject search keywords are different 'h' tag sizes...
If you dont mind can I add a link to your site from mine / vice versa?
congratz on I guess they were as impressed as we were!
Anyone could help me with the template - VividDesign. to reduce the width of the menu on the left? it a little wider.
I am very new in this.
Thank you!