I must say at first I was a bit sceptical if such a clean template would fit.
But looking at you site I must say the clever use of colors gives the whole site soul and feeling.
Great Job. Most V4 sites apear to be very technical and cold. You site lives ...
And the photos are great.
versatility4 is one of my favorite templates and i must say, your site is the absolute best site based on versatility4 i have seen so far. excellent job!!
Versatility4 is great because it can pretty easily become a "blank canvas" with just enough flair and detailing to look polished but not so much that you can't "make it yours".
I'm using it again right now for a different band site with a completely different look. They are pretty much dictating how it's to look (basically we are joomla-izing their old site) but it's perfect for that, too.
Another template that I think is especially useful when you need one that "stays out of the way" but still gives some subtle polish is Hivemind.
KT Web Design
developing Joomla websites in the sweet, sunny South
@ Kathy AKIRAKA ESSENTIALS is one of these templates too ...
I used it (
) allthough I diddnt changed so much for this little site ...
@ Yves: The mod-Team: 13 x male vs 1 x female ... think about that