Features the music of Rob Buxton. We made a site to help people try out Joomla. A free service for the person new to Joomla and need a site to start with using Afterburner and modified it with other features. “ Music Man” is set up so people who like music can have a band site, music shop or sell their musical items .
This can be to update their existing web site or start a new one. Many features have been added to this template. It is set-up so you can change easily to customize it for your group, express yourself if you have musical interests. This site can be expanded with other features too. It takes some time to modify a template for a specific purpose we have done a lot of work for you so you can brad and customize it for your needs.
A built in newsletter component makes it easy to keep in touch with people, fans or lets them add to your mailing list.
A Google Map so people can find your next gig or any location you may want to keep people informed about.
With the shopping cart program you can sell tickets or sell items to raise money for your group..
The Band and Band Blog are a RSS feed page for article to be read easy by people or search engines.
Overview, Next Gig and about us pages will be single text area for you to modify for your project with the front end JCE editor.
The new music page is set-up so people can listen to a full Album using an Mp3 plug-in. This is installed on the site and lets you add any Mp3 to any article page.
You can change about any thing on this site to fit your needs. Just replace the pictures add your text and articles modify the custom module areas and your good to go.
Yes you have a good point. This was made to help people set-up a site fast all content they will change to theirs we are also working on more using the Afterburner - Free GPL Template at
Check it out
I am a novice at Joomla Design so take this with a grain of salt and as coming from a users point of view rather than a designers.
There are some nice features to the site and the content is good. The content is the most important part of the site so you have a nice start.
I have to agree with the above post there is way too much movement on the site. It is very distracting and it never stops. It is not just the guitar scroller which would be kind of neat in one spot and if I could control the scroll and if the images were clickable so that I could get more information on a specific item. The top image on several pages including The Band Page and About us page also scrolls through several images continuously and never stops. There are no controls for this for the end user which might not be so bad if the guitar scroller were not also on the page.
The free hosting, set up, support, etc you are offering is a great offer but I think if you are going to be offering to help people build/design web site in Joomla then you should display a better understanding and use of it yourself. The double template scrollers is over kill and when you try to click on one of the templates you get a 404 page.
I know that this is a work in progress and many of the things I mentioned will probably be fixed as you continue to work on the project. You have good content and some good ideas just continue to build on that. :cheesy: