Thanks for your feedback."menu highlight effect etc an extension, option or custom code"
the menu is part of the configuration of template.
The logo I had to play a bit with the different configurations of the header that the template offers
I took a screenshot of the top part without the logo, and using a green color as a background, the lines is part of the template configuration.
After I put it back the header with light green that I have.
My logo I had just the border the actual logo and the address in a square 740 x 150 pixels with a transparent background, and using Fireworks cs4 I paste inside (possible in fireworks) the green screenshot part of the background that I took before.
I upload the logo to the server and to match the lines with rest of the existing background I played a bit with css position on the file style.css to position in the right place.
I hope is not too confusing .
Let me know if you need some help.
Take care