Okay, I had a rather craptacular day at work today (and in general). Came home after work, checked email, did a little surfing to relax and suddenly I stumbled across this gem of a video. Unbelievable.
I won't spoil it for you, but I will say that I was not a fan of the music genre that is featured in this video before, but now my ears are perked right up.
I wish Paul Potts nothing but success as he so obviously rightly deserves.
From common man to future star?
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This remember me two candidates in a similar program in the brasilian TV few years ago.
This is the link of one of their show after the competition. I love them.
Thanks for the link Roland... YouTube is somewhat addictive at times and I find myself watching one related video after another. I watched several of the Britain's got talent videos. Some were better than others but your link and the one about the little 6 year old girl named Conny was pretty cool.
"Everyone has to get knocked-down every once-in-a-while, otherwise you'll never learn how to get-back-up!
" A quote attributed to my Grandpa Wagers
Since Andrew Eddie (Aka: Masterchief) started reading all those GPL related posts we captured this video of him today at the RT offices with his reaction...
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