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Sidebar Section Gantry Login Form [9%, 5%, se] Gantry Categories [60%, 5%, se] Gantry Links [9%, 53%, se] Here is the widget breakdown for the Sidebar section: Gantry Login Form Gantry Categories Gantry Divider Gantry Links Gantry Login Form The login form located on the front page is
Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/paradox/demo_sidebar.mdCopyright Section Here is the widget breakdown for the Copyright section: Gantry Branding Gantry Divider Text Gantry Divider Gantry To Top The Copyright section remains the same for all areas of the site. Because of this, it is preserved as a Default widget override.
Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/voxel/demo_copyright.mdHeader Section Gantry Menu [30%, 5%, se] Gantry Logo [30%, 45%, se] Custom Menu [30%, 73%, se] Here is the widget breakdown for the Header section: Gantry Menu Gantry Divider Gantry Logo Gantry Divider Custom Menu Gantry Menu The Gantry Menu widget should be set to match your site's main
Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/cygnet/demo_header.mdFooter Section Here is the widget breakdown for the Footer section: Text Gantry Divider Text Gantry Divider Gantry Login Form Text The first Text widget in the section is made a lot like the others. You will need to enter the following in the main text field.
Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/diametric/demo_footer.mdBottom Section Here is the widget breakdown for the Bottom section: Text Gantry Divider Text Gantry Divider Text Text 1 This section of the page is a standard text widget. You will need to enter the following in the main text field.
Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/dominion/demo_bottom.mdCopyright Section Here is the widget breakdown for the Copyright section: Gantry Divider Custom Menu Gantry Divider Text The Copyright section contains the bottom menu and social links for the front page. You will find the configuration options for each widget below.
Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/lumiere/demo_copyright.mdFooter Section Here is the widget breakdown for the Footer section: Text Gantry Divider Text Gantry Divider Text Text 1 This section of the page is a standard text widget. You will need to enter the following in the main text field.
Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/maelstrom/demo_footer.mdTop Section Here is the widget breakdown for the Top section: Gantry Logo Gantry Divider Gantry Links Gantry Divider Text Gantry Logo The first thing you will need to do is click and drag the Gantry Logo widget from the Available Widgets area of the Widgets menu to the appropriate section.
Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/mercado/demo_top.mdCopyright Section Here is the widget breakdown for the Copyright section: Gantry Copyright Gantry Divider Custom Menu Gantry Divider Gantry To Top Gantry Social Buttons The Copyright section remains the same for all areas of the site.
Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/metropolis/demo_copyright.mdBottom Section Here is the widget breakdown for the Bottom section: Text Gantry Divider Text Gantry Divider Text Text 1 This section of the page is a standard text widget. You will need to enter the following in the main text field. <span>Radiance Theme, Inc.
Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/radiance/demo_bottom.md