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Magento Themes Compatibility Matrix The matrix below displays which Magento versions are supported by which Magento themes; whether a fixed or responsive layout version is available; what Magento versions are supported in the RocketLaunchers; and to outline our scheduling
Magento Articles /magento-themes-compatibility-matrixJoomla Templates Compatibility Matrix The matrix below displays which Joomla versions are supported by which Joomla templates; whether a fixed or responsive layout version is available; what Joomla versions are supported in the RocketLaunchers; and to outline our scheduling
Joomla Articles /joomla-templates-compatibility-matrixWordPress Themes Compatibility Matrix The matrix below displays which WordPress versions are supported by which WordPress themes; whether a fixed or responsive layout version is available; what WordPress versions are supported in the RocketLaunchers; and to outline our
Wordpress Articles /wordpress-themes-compatibility-matrixphpBB Styles Compatibility Matrix The matrix below displays which phpBB versions are supported by which phpBB styles; whether a fixed or responsive layout version is available; what phpBB versions are supported in the RocketLaunchers; and to outline our scheduling and progress
Phpbb Articles /phpbb-styles-compatibility-matrixIt’s for this reason that RocketTheme has decided to alter its theme release schedule from a fixed monthly date to a more fluid 4-6 weeks. This will give the team the time and flexibility it needs to come up with new features that go beyond what would be possible with a fixed deadline.
Grav Joomla Wordpress Articles /blog/team/218-rockettheme-update-a-focus-on-innovationWhat we decided was to incorporate some of the most critical requests and enhancements into the next version to be called Gantry 4 and push back our more ambitious but less urgent plans into the following release, Gantry 5.
Joomla Wordpress Articles /blog/team/58-responsive-design-rockettheme-part1Introduction The Fixed Header atom gives you the ability to fix your header to the top of your page so it follows your visitors as they scroll. The fixed header conveniently disappears as the user scrolls down and slides down with the slightest upward scroll.
Grav Documentation /docs/grav/themes/orion/atom_fixedheader.mdIntroduction The Fixed Header atom gives you the ability to fix your header to the top of your page so it follows your visitors as they scroll. The fixed header conveniently disappears as the user scrolls down and slides down with the slightest upward scroll.
Grav Documentation /docs/grav/themes/phoenix/atom_fixedheader.mdIntroduction The Fixed Header atom gives you the ability to fix your header to the top of your page so it follows your visitors as they scroll. The fixed header conveniently disappears as the user scrolls down and slides down with the slightest upward scroll.
Grav Documentation /docs/grav/themes/reiko/atom_fixedheader.mdIntroduction The Fixed Header atom gives you the ability to fix your header to the top of your page so it follows your visitors as they scroll. The fixed header conveniently disappears as the user scrolls down and slides down with the slightest upward scroll.
Grav Documentation /docs/grav/themes/remnant/atom_fixedheader.md