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Showing 11 - 22 results of 100 total hits (0.002 seconds)
Score 22.7

Productivity Tips for Developers

Tips from the Team Andy Miller Running RocketTheme means i’m usually pretty busy so optimizing my time and working as efficiently as possible is key. Switching to a Mac a few years ago increased my productivity dramatically. I spend less time ‘fixing’ my computer, and more time working with it.

RocketTheme Articles /blog/team/107-productivity-tips-for-developers
Score 19.5

iPhone App Recommendations from the RocketTheme Team

Andy Miller, Head Kahuna I have three pages of apps on my phone. The first page contains my most frequently used apps, and the other two pages are folders of miscellaneous apps. I have moved most of the built-in apps that I don't frequently use into a folder on this homepage.

RocketTheme Articles /blog/reviews/117-iphone-app-recommendations