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This menu system supports custom renderers that empower us to create a variety of menu structures ranging from our drop-down style fusion menu, as well as various split-menu solutions, and even a hybrid splice-menu that combines both of these into one.
RocketTheme Articles /blog/team/57-responsive-design-rockettheme-part2Option Setting Title Quick Menu Menu Quick Menu Menu Theme Split-Menu SplitMenu Style None Limit Levels Yes Start Level 0 End Level 1 Show All Children Yes Show Empty Menu No Maximum Depth 10 Title Variation Title 1 Custom Variations
Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/leviathan/demo_sidebar.mdSet the Select Menu option to match the name of the menu you wish to appear in this area. Set the Box Variation option to Box 1. Set the Custom Variations field to fp-sidebar-menu. Leaving all other options at their default settings, click Save.
Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/lumiere/demo_sidebar.mdSee a demo of this layout mode here. Conclusion RokSprocket has proven to be a favorite among site developers searching for a way to present content in a dynamic fashion without having to put in an excessive amount of time in development.
Wordpress Joomla Articles /blog/team/142-roksprocket-for-wordpress-and-joomla-makes-content-stand-outBottom Here is the widget breakdown for the Bottom section: RokSprocket RokSprocket This RokSprocket widget is a Strips widget type. Like other RokSprocket Widgets, you will need to create it first using the RokSprocket Admin menu. First, you will need to create the RokSprocket Widget.
Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/hexeris/demo_bottom.mdMain Bottom Section Here is the widget breakdown for the Main Bottom section: RokSprocket RokSprocket This RokSprocket widget is a Strips widget type. Like other RokSprocket Widgets, you will need to create it first using the RokSprocket Admin menu.
Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/stratos/demo_mainbottom.mdThis will pull the text that you specifically set up to appear here and display it as the preview text for each item in the RokSprocket widget.
Wordpress Joomla Articles /blog/wordpress/143-roksprocket-for-wordpress-tipsContent Bottom Here is the widget breakdown for the Content Bottom section: RokSprocket This RokSprocket widget is a Tabs widget type. Like other RokSprocket Widgets, you will need to create it first using the RokSprocket Admin menu. We named ours From Blog.
Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/metropolis/demo_content_bottom.mdSideSlider Section SideSlider - Search [5%, 21%, se] SideSlider - Menu [9%, 21%, se] SideSlider - RokSprocket (Tabs) [26%, 21%, se] Text [51%, 21%, se] The SideSlider widget position enables you to add widgets to the page that get out of the way of the content, but are available to visitors
Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/ricochet/demo_sideslider.mdOption Setting Theme Default Label Text Display Limit ∞ Preview Length 20 Strip HTML Tags No Arrow Navigation Show Animation Fade Autoplay Disable Autoplay Delay 5 Image Resize Disable You can set the RokSprocket filters to include
Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/spectral/demo_utility.md