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#5 - Utilize Cards When using responsive design, a lot of websites use a card layout to organize tidbits of content in an accessible and stylish fashion.
RocketTheme Articles /blog/design/247-7-design-tweaks-to-seriously-boost-conversionsThe emotions that it conveys will be awakened and, without a doubt, result in conversions.
RocketTheme Articles /blog/reviews/198-achieve-maximum-conversions-by-transmitting-emotionsJoomla Extensions Compatibility Matrix The matrix below is to demonstrate which Joomla versions are supported by our extensions and to outline our scheduling and progress of extension conversions.
Joomla Articles /joomla-extensions-compatibility-matrixWordPress Plugins Compatibility Matrix The matrix below is to demonstrate which WordPress versions are supported by our plugins and to outline our scheduling and progress of extension conversions.
Wordpress Articles /wordpress-plugins-compatibility-matrixMagento Themes Compatibility Matrix The matrix below displays which Magento versions are supported by which Magento themes; whether a fixed or responsive layout version is available; what Magento versions are supported in the RocketLaunchers; and to outline our scheduling and progress of theme conversions
Magento Articles /magento-themes-compatibility-matrixTemplates Compatibility Matrix The matrix below displays which Joomla versions are supported by which Joomla templates; whether a fixed or responsive layout version is available; what Joomla versions are supported in the RocketLaunchers; and to outline our scheduling and progress of template conversions
Joomla Articles /joomla-templates-compatibility-matrixThemes Compatibility Matrix The matrix below displays which WordPress versions are supported by which WordPress themes; whether a fixed or responsive layout version is available; what WordPress versions are supported in the RocketLaunchers; and to outline our scheduling and progress of theme conversions
Wordpress Articles /wordpress-themes-compatibility-matrixphpBB Styles Compatibility Matrix The matrix below displays which phpBB versions are supported by which phpBB styles; whether a fixed or responsive layout version is available; what phpBB versions are supported in the RocketLaunchers; and to outline our scheduling and progress of style conversions
Phpbb Articles /phpbb-styles-compatibility-matrixPrimarily, Joomla 3 conversions and upcoming template releases. Take us through your home screen. Why those apps?
Joomla Articles /blog/team/45-meet-the-team-james-spencerThis problem is even more apparent to mobile users, about 18% of which back out of a webpage if it fails to load within 5 seconds, and have about a 50% drop rate at the 6-10 second mark. If your site is suffering from slow load times, don’t panic.
Wordpress Joomla Articles /blog/team/169-website-speed-improvement-tips