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These companies and individuals spend their days working with clients to help them turn their ambitious website concepts into reality. By night, they are frequently found contributing to the greater Joomla project in order to make the platform even better.
Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/platform/Network, Network, Network The word Network has been thrown around a lot lately, and it has almost entirely been taken over by social media, but the reality is that there are a lot of local events in just about every moderately sizable area that professionals go to in order to meet each other and build
RocketTheme Articles /blog/team/122-five-tips-for-an-aspiring-freelance-web-developerSince we started using HipChat in 2010 we've sent nearly 1 million messages via the service! Other solutions come close, but none provide the raft of features of HipChat for the price, I can't recommend it enough!
RocketTheme Articles /blog/mac/38-essential-mac-apps-for-development-and-productivity