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/em> with the intuitive dynamics of <strong>RokGallery</strong> or RokStories, providing for a full scale <strong>background image</strong>, rotatable and configurable via the module, RokGallery and Gantry <strong>administrative</strong> interfaces.
Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/templates/momentum/demo_module_2.mdShowcase Section Here is the widget breakdown for the Showcase section: RokGallery RokGallery This area of the demo is a RokGallery widget. You will need to do two things to prepare this widget so that it looks similar to the one in the demo.
Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/clarion/demo_showcase.mdSet the Title to RokGallery Plugin. Switch the Box Variation option to Box 1. Switch the Title Variation option to Title 1. Enter rt-center in the Custom Variations field. Leaving everything else at its default setting, select Save.
Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/camber/demo_mainbottom.mdMain Top Section Here is the widget breakdown for the Main Top section: RokGallery Gantry Divider RokNewsPager RokGallery This area of the demo is a RokGallery widget. You will need to do two things to prepare this widget so that it looks similar to the one in the demo.
Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/camber/demo_maintop.mdYou can use the Note field to jot down a note which appears in the module list on the backend. Basic Gallery: This option allows you to assign a RokGallery tag gallery to the module. Images with tags matching that of this gallery are displayed with the gallery's image preferences.
Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/extensions/rokgallery/rokgallery_module.mdShowcase Section Here is the widget breakdown for the Showcase section: RokGallery This area of the demo is a RokGallery widget. You will need to do two things to prepare this widget so that it looks similar to the one in the demo. First, you will need to create the RokGallery gallery.
Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/visage/demo_showcase.mdShowcase Section Here is the widget breakdown for the Showcase section: RokGallery This area of the demo is a RokGallery widget. You will need to do two things to prepare this widget so that it looks similar to the one in the demo. First, you will need to create the RokGallery gallery.
Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/enigma/demo_showcase.mdTo avoid image license copyright issues, all sample content images shown in our demo site will be replaced with blank versions in the RocketLauncher version.
Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/templates/momentum/faq.mdOption Setting Show Title Gallery Preset 1 Link Type None Default Linked Item Home Show Title Yes Show Caption Yes Sort By Order Sort Direction Ascending Slice Limit 10 Gallery Style Light Gallery Layout Slideshow Layout Show
Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/momentum/demo_slideshow.mdFor our demo, it is located in Main Menu -> Home. In order to show two featured articles on the front page, we placed a 1 in the Leading Articles setting within the Layout Options menu. The Article Order has been set to Featured Articles Order.
Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/templates/radiance/demo_module_3.md