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Showing 1 - 86 results of 100 total hits (0.006 seconds)
Score 74.8

Manticore: Recent Reviews Particle

Introduction The Recent Reviews particle displays your latest articles or featured content, along with images and text.

Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/templates/manticore/particle_recentreviews.md
Score 74.8

Manticore: Recent Reviews Particle

Introduction The Recent Reviews particle displays your latest pages or featured content, along with images and text.

Grav Documentation /docs/grav/themes/manticore/particle_recentreviews.md
Score 74.8

Manticore: Recent Reviews Particle

Introduction The Recent Reviews particle displays your latest posts or featured content, along with images and text.

Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/manticore/particle_recentreviews.md
Score 71.9

Plethora: Recreating the Demo - Top Reviews

Autoplay Disable Autoplay Delay 5 Image Resize Disable Default Title Default Article Title Default Image Default Article Image Default Article text Default Article Text Default Link Custom Custom Article Link index.php?

Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/templates/plethora/demo_module_11.md
Score 59.7

How to Find a Good Hosting Provider

These guarantees are just promises, of course, and should not replace due diligence by reading reviews.

Wordpress Joomla Documentation /docs/hosting/finding_hosting.md
Score 59.7

How to Find a Good Hosting Provider

These guarantees are just promises, of course, and should not replace due diligence by reading reviews.

Wordpress Joomla Documentation /docs/hosting/hosting.md
Score 51.1

Introduction to Magento Community Edition

Product Bundling and Grouping Support RSS Feed for Low Inventory Alerts Moderated Product Tags and Reviews Advanced Pricing Rules Batch Product Updates Backordered Items, Miminum and Maximum Quantities Marketing and Promotions Related Products Promotional Pricing Support (Including Store, Category

Magento Documentation /docs/magento/start/introduction.md
Score 50.2


New to Gantry 5? If you are new to Gantry 5, a good place to start would be our dedicated Gantry documentation. Requirements PHP 7.1+ Curl OpenSSL Libraries Multibyte String Support NOTE: Gantry v5.4.32+ is required for Manticore to work correctly.

Grav Documentation /docs/grav/themes/manticore/
Score 49.3

Manticore: Recreating the Demo

Navigation Logo (Particle) [1%, 1%, se] Navigation Menu (Particle) [1%, 28%, se] Navigation Social (Particle) [1%, 81%, se] Navigation Slideshow (Particle) [4%, 20%, se] Header Latest News (Particle) [20%, 7%, se] Above Recent Reviews (Particle) [43%, 7% se] Above Upcoming Games (Particle) [43%, 65%,

Grav Documentation /docs/grav/themes/manticore/demo.md
Score 49.3

Manticore: Recreating the Demo

Navigation Logo (Particle) [1%, 1%, se] Navigation Menu (Particle) [1%, 28%, se] Navigation Social (Particle) [1%, 81%, se] Navigation Slideshow (Particle) [4%, 20%, se] Header Latest News (Particle) [20%, 7%, se] Above Recent Reviews (Particle) [43%, 7% se] Above Upcoming Games (Particle) [43%, 65%,

Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/manticore/demo.md