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Recommended Plugins Here is a list of RocketTheme plugins used to create the demo version of Halcyon: Gantry Framework RokAjaxSearch RokBox RokCommon Library (Should be Installed and Activated Before RokGallery and/or RokSprocket) RokGallery RokSocialButtons All of these plugins are included with
Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/halcyon/demo.mdRecommended Plugins Here is a list of RocketTheme plugins used to create the demo version of Hexeris: Gantry Framework RokAjaxSearch RokBox RokCommon Library (Should be Installed and Activated Before RokGallery and/or RokSprocket) RokSprocket All of these plugins are included with the Hexeris RocketLauncher
Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/hexeris/demo.mdRecommended Plugins Here is a list of RocketTheme plugins used to create the demo version of Ionosphere: Gantry Framework RokAjaxSearch RokBox RokCommon Library (Should be Installed and Activated Before RokGallery and/or RokSprocket) RokGallery RokSocialButtons RokSprocket All of these plugins are
Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/ionosphere/demo.mdSet the Title Variation to Title 1. Enter promo in the Custom Variations field. Leaving everything else at its default setting, select Save.
Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/ionosphere/demo_footer.mdRecommended Plugins Here is a list of RocketTheme plugins used to create the demo version of Kirigami: Gantry Framework RokAjaxSearch RokBox RokCommon Library (Should be Installed and Activated Before RokGallery and/or RokSprocket) RokGallery RokSocialButtons RokSprocket All of these plugins are
Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/kirigami/demo.mdRecommended Plugins Here is a list of RocketTheme plugins used to create the demo version of Leviathan: Gantry Framework RokAjaxSearch RokBox RokCommon Library (Should be Installed and Activated Before RokGallery and/or RokSprocket) RokSprocket RokGallery All of these plugins are included with the
Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/leviathan/demo.mdRecommended Plugins Here is a list of RocketTheme plugins used to create the demo version of Lumiere: Gantry Framework RokAjaxSearch RokBox RokCommon Library (Should be Installed and Activated Before RokGallery and/or RokSprocket) RokSprocket RokGallery All of these plugins are included with the
Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/lumiere/demo.mdRecommended Plugins Here is a list of RocketTheme plugins used to create the demo version of Metropolis: Gantry Framework RokAjaxSearch RokBox RokCommon Library (Should be Installed and Activated Before RokGallery and/or RokSprocket) RokSprocket All of these plugins are included with the Metropolis
Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/metropolis/demo.mdRecommended Plugins Here is a list of RocketTheme plugins used to create the demo version of Oculus: Gantry Framework RokAjaxSearch RokBox RokCommon Library (Should be Installed and Activated Before RokGallery and/or RokSprocket) RokSprocket All of these plugins are included with the Oculus RocketLauncher
Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/oculus/demo.mdRecommended Plugins Here is a list of RocketTheme plugins used to create the demo version of Osmosis: Gantry Framework RokAjaxSearch RokBox RokCommon Library (Should be Installed and Activated Before RokGallery and/or RokSprocket) RokSprocket All of these plugins are included with the Osmosis RocketLauncher
Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/osmosis/demo.md