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How to Create a Menu Menus This link gives you access to the main menu editor for WordPress. [47%, 5%, se] To get to the Menus area of the backend of WordPress, you need to navigate to Admin -> Appearance -> Menus.
Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/start/menus.mdItem 1 Layout Style Header Item 1 Created Date Blank Item 1 Content Title Get in Touch! Item 1 Author Blank Item 1 Leading Content We are looking forward to hear from you.
Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/templates/interstellar/contact.mdIt is because of this extensive amount of control that it can be a bit overwhelming to someone attempting to navigate through the administrative side for the first time. In this page, we will attempt to tackle some of the most common Joomla components and how they relate to one-another.
Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/platform/understanding.mdHome Particles Here is a list of particles that are available in Gemini, as well as links to documentation to help you get started: Navigation Logo (Particle) [1%, 13%, se] Navigation Menu (Particle) [1%, 47%, se] Navigation Overlay Toggle (Particle) [1%, 83%, se] Slideshow Custom HTML (Particle
Grav Documentation /docs/grav/themes/gemini/demo.mdIntroduction RokSprocket is a revolutionary extension for Joomla 3.x designed to give you an incredible level of control over how you present your content.
Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/extensions/roksprocket/CSS Classes g-layercontent noborder center Title Blank Intro Blank Grid Column 1 Column Item 1 Name Get in Touch!
Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/templates/galatea/contact.mdForums are powered by phpBB that cater to virtually any sized audience from a handful of users per month to thousands per day.
Phpbb Documentation /docs/phpbb/start/introduction.mdSEO and Other Features WordPress enables you to specify how content is displayed. Its clean permanent link structure enables you to create content with search engine optimization (SEO) in mind.
Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/start/Home Particles Here is a list of particles that are available in Photon, as well as links to documentation to help you get started: Navigation Logo / Image (Particle) [1%, 8%, se] Navigation Menu (Particle) [1%, 25%, se] Navigation Social (Particle) [1%, 85%, se] Slideshow News Slider (Particle
Grav Documentation /docs/grav/themes/photon/demo.mdHome Particles Here is a list of particles that are available in Interstellar, as well as links to documentation to help you get started: Navigation Logo (Particle) [1%, 7%, se] Navigation Social (Particle) [1%, 18%, se] Navigation Menu (Particle) [1%, 55%, se] Header Custom HTML (Particle) [5%
Grav Documentation /docs/grav/themes/interstellar/demo.md