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Score 40.6

A complete guide to creating a WordPress Email Marketing Campaign

Always send them a prompt email confirming their subscription, followed by a ‘Thank you’ page. A final ‘Success’ page is important to convey the message that the subscription has been confirmed. FYI, people unsubscribe to a list as well. This is bad news.

Wordpress Articles /blog/wordpress/250-a-complete-guide-to-creating-a-wordpress-email-marketing-campaign
Score 39.1

RokSprocket for WordPress Tips

Title (contains, begins with, ends with, or is) Slug (contains, begins with, ends with, or is) Article Text Post Tag Status Category Post Type (post, page, attachment) Parent Page Created Date (within last, exactly, before, after, today, yesterday, this week/month/year) Last Modified Date (within last

Wordpress Joomla Articles /blog/wordpress/143-roksprocket-for-wordpress-tips
Score 37.0

How to add Google AdSense to WordPress

Requirements for running Google AdSense with WordPress A WordPress website A Google account An approved AdSense account AdSense approved/verified website Integration of the site with AdSense services Setting it up: 1.

Wordpress Articles /blog/wordpress/273-how-to-add-google-adsense-to-wordpress
Score 36.7

RokGallery, a New Spin on Managing Images

Override-able architecture to allow for custom layouts including custom HTML, CSS, JS, etc.

Joomla Articles /blog/extensions/66-rokgallery-a-new-spin-on-managing-images
Score 36.3

Gantry 5: Beta 3 Released

Here is a quick rundown of the steps we recommend taking when installing Gantry 5 beta 3 on an existing Gantry 5 beta 2 site. Delete the TEMPLATE_DIR/custom/compiled-css directory in your installation. Back up your TEMPLATE_DIR/custom directory.

Joomla Articles /blog/team/183-gantry-5-beta-3-released
Score 34.6

How Joomla 3.3's Microdata Support Can Improve SEO

: <div itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/Event"> <a itemprop="url" href="http://www.cesweb.org/"> International CES 2015 <span itemprop="name"> CES Opening Keynote </span> </a> <meta itemprop="startDate" content="2015-01-6"> January 6, 2015 <

Joomla Articles /blog/joomla/112-how-joomla-33-microdata-support-can-improve-seo
Score 32.2

How SEBLOD Can Help Your Joomla Web Development Business

.), inline-place editing & frontend content managers, custom-built applications - and more - possible without an in-depth knowledge of PHP or SQL.

Joomla Articles /blog/joomla/165-how-seblod-can-help-your-joomla-web-development-business
Score 32.1

Callisto 1.1.0 Update Released Featuring New Presets

Gantry 5 RC2 Gantry 5, the framework by which the Callisto template was made, has also received a significant update in conjunction with Callisto's. This update includes a variety of new features and improvements, as well as a handful of bug fixes.

Joomla Articles /blog/joomla/189-callisto-1-1-0-update-released-featuring-new-presets
Score 32.0

RokGallery 2.0 has arrived

Custom Thumbnails for Slices not part of a Gallery You can also globally set defaults for the thumbnails. To do so just go in the Settings and look for "Default Thumbnail Settings".

RocketTheme Articles /blog/extensions/65-rokgallery-2
Score 31.7

Introducing RocketTheme's New Website

Our custom search system is built on top Elasticsearch, an industry-leading search utility. Using the search bar located at the top of each page, you can search for just about anything on our site. We have included filters that make it easier to search within a specific platform, or page type.

Joomla Phpbb Articles /blog/team/104-introducing-rockettheme-new-website