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First, you will need to create the RokSprocket Widget. You can do this by navigating to Administration -> RokSprocket Admin and creating a new Features widget. You can find out more about RokSprocket and how to set up and modify widgets by visiting our RokSprocket documentation.
Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/paradigm/demo_showcase.mdOption Setting Theme Default Display Limit ∞ Tabs Position Top Animation Slide and Fade Autoplay Disable Autoplay Delay 5 Image Resize Disable Preview Length ∞ Strip HTML Tags No You can set the RokSprocket filters to include any category,
Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/g4vermilion/demo_extension.mdFirst, you will need to create the RokSprocket Widget. You can do this by navigating to Administration -> RokSprocket Admin and creating a new Features widget. You can find out more about RokSprocket and how to set up and modify widgets by visiting our RokSprocket documentation.
Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/g4vermilion/demo_mainbottom.mdHow to Create New Overrides RokSprocket comes with its own preset layout that allows it to look great out of the box. You can create overrides specific to your template that enable you to customize the way RokSprocket appears on your site, without actually touching any of RokSprocket's files.
Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/extensions/roksprocket/layout_modes.mdFirst, you will need to create the RokSprocket Widget. You can do this by navigating to Administration -> RokSprocket Admin and creating a new Strips widget. You can find out more about RokSprocket and how to set up and modify widgets by visiting our RokSprocket documentation.
Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/osmosis/demo_showcase.mdFirst, you will need to create the RokSprocket Widget. You can do this by navigating to Administration -> RokSprocket Admin and creating a new Mosaic widget. You can find out more about RokSprocket and how to set up and modify widgets by visiting our RokSprocket documentation.
Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/ricochet/demo_additiontop.mdFirst, you will need to create the RokSprocket Widget. You can do this by navigating to Administration -> RokSprocket Admin and creating a new Strips widget. You can find out more about RokSprocket and how to set up and modify widgets by visiting our RokSprocket documentation.
Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/g4chimera/demo_mainbottom.mdOption Setting Theme Default Display Limit ∞ Tabs Position Left Animation Fade Autoplay Disable Autoplay Delay 5 Image Resize Disable Preview Length ∞ Strip HTML Tags No You can set the RokSprocket filters to include any category, specific
Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/g4lexicon/demo_showcase.mdFirst, you will need to create the RokSprocket Widget. You can do this by navigating to Administration -> RokSprocket Admin and creating a new Strips widget. You can find out more about RokSprocket and how to set up and modify widgets by visiting our RokSprocket documentation.
Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/g4myriad/demo_mainbottom.mdFirst, you will need to create the RokSprocket Widget. You can do this by navigating to Administration -> RokSprocket Admin and creating a new Strips widget. You can find out more about RokSprocket and how to set up and modify widgets by visiting our RokSprocket documentation.
Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/spectral/demo_maintop.md