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Score 42.6

Alerion: Recreating the Demo - FP Utility Map

Details Option Setting Title FP Utility Map Show Title Show Position utility-a Status Published Access Public Ordering 1.

Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/templates/alerion/demo_module_6.md
Score 42.6


Nevertheless, it can be a bulky presence on a page, especially if you are conscious of screen space. Modulus uses a popup login powered by RokBox, which is activated by a single button in the menu bar, to alleviate this.

Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/templates/quantive/
Score 42.6

Spectral: Recreating the Demo - Popular Features

Filtered Article List Item 1 Option Setting Label <span class="icon-cloud-download"></span> Icon None Description <p>RokSprocket is a powerful, versatile and flexible content presentation extension.

Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/templates/spectral/demo_module_4.md
Score 42.6

Stratos: Recreating the Demo - About Stratos

option=com_content&amp;view=article&amp;id=1&amp;Itemid=108">Read More</a></p> Basic Option Setting Prepare Content No Select a Background Image Blank Advanced Option Setting Alternative Layout Default Module Class Suffix

Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/templates/stratos/demo_module_4.md
Score 42.6


When utilizing our responsive templates, RokNavMenu will also adapt to the width of any screen. In the mobile view, the menu is then condensed into a single selectbox. Exclusive Menu Options RokNavMenu provides menu item specific options when utilizing our templates.

Joomla Products /joomla/extensions/roknavmenu
Score 41.8

Cerulean: Recreating the Demo - Demo Info

[span class="icon-chevron-down rt-teaser"][/span] Show Title Hide Position footer-a Status Published Access Public Language All Note Blank The title of this module requires RokCandy in order to appear properly on the screen due to the [span] tags present

Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/templates/cerulean/demo_module_8.md
Score 41.7

7 Design Tweaks to Seriously Boost Conversions

#5 - Utilize Cards When using responsive design, a lot of websites use a card layout to organize tidbits of content in an accessible and stylish fashion.

RocketTheme Articles /blog/design/247-7-design-tweaks-to-seriously-boost-conversions
Score 41.2

Five Ways to Make Your Site More Mobile Friendly

Today's Web is explored through a variety of screens ranging from small smartphones to giant big-screen televisions. Designing your site to work consistently across various screen sizes makes it a more pleasant experience for all visitors, regardless of the device they use to access it.

Joomla Grav Wordpress Articles /blog/design/148-five-ways-to-make-your-site-more-mobile-friendly
Score 41.0

Alerion: Recreating the Demo - Guest Speakers

Option Setting Title [span class="hidden-tablet"]Guest [/span]Speakers [small]Speakers Table[/small] Show Title Show Position sidebar-a Status Published Access Public The title of this module requires RokCandy in order to appear properly on the screen

Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/templates/alerion/demo_module_11.md
Score 41.0

Hexeris: Recreating the Demo - Popular Addons

Details Option Setting Title Popular Addons [span class="rt-subtitle"]RocketTheme[/span] Show Title Show Position footer-b Status Published Language All Note Blank The title of this module requires RokCandy in order to appear properly on the screen

Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/templates/hexeris/demo_module_10.md