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What would normally be a 1-2 hour commute is now 1-2 extra hours in your day to do with as you please. This makes that important work-life balance much easier.
RocketTheme Articles /blog/news/228-can-telecommuting-improve-productivityConsequently, in order to improve maximally our conversions, we should point towards awakening the emotions of our potential clients in order to close the sale.
RocketTheme Articles /blog/reviews/198-achieve-maximum-conversions-by-transmitting-emotionsLoad your site and inspect the elements again, as outlined in Step 2. Below is an example from Chapelco: LESS (Compiled) Files As an example, in the CSS pane screenshotted below, the #rt-logo CSS is being generated from a master-#.css file on line 1.
Joomla Articles /blog/coding/32-basics-debugging-customizing-with-less-cssNothing you change in Gantry5’s Menu Editor has any affect on how the CMS handles the menu. In Joomla, for example, this is especially important as the menu plays a key role in content management.
Joomla Articles /blog/team/176-gantry5-meet-the-menu-editorIf you would like to take advantage of the RokMediaQuery functionality in your own extensions, you just need to ensure the RokMediaQuery.js is loaded and use it like this: {codecitation class="brush:javascript"} var rand = function(min, max){ return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1) + min
Joomla Articles /blog/team/56-responsive-design-rockettheme-part3In recent RocketTheme WordPress themes, we have built reCAPTCHA support directly in, so you need but to set up the public and private keys in the theme settings to hit the ground running.
Wordpress Joomla Articles /blog/team/159-stop-contact-form-spam-on-wordpress-and-joomla-with-recaptchaGoogle protocol buffers are also in place to manage data for backwards compatibility. This is all done over SSL unless the site's PHP settings don't allow for SSL. In these cases, RokUpdater can still function in a non-SSL capacity. RokUpdater establishes a unique ID for each site once you log in.
Joomla Articles /blog/extensions/30-rokupdater-easy-updating-for-rockettheme-extensionsGallery Details Navigation We have implemented a "Previous" and "Next" navigation in the details view of a Gallery in the frontend, as well as a "Back to the Gallery" link.
RocketTheme Articles /blog/extensions/65-rokgallery-2Service/Container/Loader/File/Xml.php(223): RokCommon_Service_Container_Loader_File_Xml->validate(Object(DOMDocument)) #1 /home/userhome/public_html/libraries/rokcommon/RokCommon/Service/Con in /home/userhome/public_html/libraries/rokcommon/RokCommon/Service/Container/Loader/File/Xml.php on line 265
Joomla Wordpress Articles /blog/extensions/34-warning-domdocument-schemavalidate-errorJames Spencer has been a valued member of the RocketTheme team since 2007 and has been involved in Joomla product development, documentation, and support throughout that time. He holds two degrees in Law, and currently resides in the UK.
Joomla Articles /blog/team/45-meet-the-team-james-spencer