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Score 95.5

Club Membership Guide

We currently make subscriptions available for 3, 6, and 12 month periods. You also receive Site Licenses allowing you to use RocketTheme products on multiple web application installs so you can pay once to create two or more sites.

Wordpress Grav Joomla Documentation /docs/accounts_billing/membership.md
Score 91.6

Product Comparisons

) Complementary (lifetime*) Site Licenses 1-3 (expandable) 1 (non-expandable) Price $59 - 99 $29 - 49 Note: Individuals and organizations that purchase products with Lifetime terms of support and availability will retain access to downloads, updates, and related support

Joomla Documentation /docs/accounts_billing/comparisons.md
Score 80.7

How to use

This is how you would achieve it: <a data-rokbox data-rokbox-album="My Product" data-rokbox-caption="Product Front View" href="/images/product1.jpg">Product 1</a> <a data-rokbox data-rokbox-album="My Product" data-rokbox-caption="Product Side View" href="/images/product2.jpg">Product

Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/extensions/rokbox/how_to_use.md
Score 80.7

How to use

This is how you would achieve it: <a data-rokbox data-rokbox-album="My Product" data-rokbox-caption="Product Front View" href="http://(Your Site URL).com/images/product1.jpg">Product 1</a> <a data-rokbox data-rokbox-album="My Product" data-rokbox-caption="Product Side View" href="/http

Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/plugins/rokbox/how_to_use.md
Score 79.4

RocketTheme Purchasing Guide

You will want to use your real name under the Name field, but you can choose anything you would like to be your Username. For the Password, we recommend choosing one with at least the following: 6+ Characters 1+ Digits 1+ Special Characters (!

RocketTheme Documentation /docs/accounts_billing/purchase.md
Score 77.7

Upgrades and Renewals

Examples Example 1: New Member Joe recently purchased a 1-year subscription to the Joomla Club. After downloading a few templates and trying out some extensions, he decides that the would like to lock in an additional year of membership and grab three additional site licenses by renewing.

Wordpress Joomla Documentation /docs/accounts_billing/upgrades_and_renewals.md
Score 77.5

Site Licenses

Site Licenses Used Site Licenses Remaining Site 1 No 1 5 Site 2 No 1 4 Site 3 No 1 3 Site 4 No 1 2 Site 5 No 1 1 Site 6 Yes 0 1 John Doe will still have one remaining site license after building the non-profit site.

Joomla Grav Wordpress Magento Phpbb Documentation /docs/accounts_billing/site_licenses.md
Score 76.1

Five Cool Perks of RocketTheme Club Membership

So, for example, if you have 3 site licenses from your first year subscription to the Joomla Template Club, renewing that subscription automatically adds 3 more site licenses to your account for a total of 6. Those licenses don’t go away when your membership expires, either.

Joomla Articles /blog/team/216-five-cool-perks-of-rockettheme-club-membership
Score 68.2

Enigma: Recreating the Demo - Template Information

<p>Enigma (November 2011) Joomla Club Template, designed by RocketTheme LLC, available as part of a Joomla Club Subscription.

Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/templates/enigma/demo_module_7.md
Score 66.4

RocketTheme Site FAQ

The Print button will send you to a page with a printer-friendly version of the entire invoice for the selected order. When Does My Club Membership Expire? You can find the activation and expiration date of your current Club memberships by visiting the Purchases page of your profile.

RocketTheme Documentation /docs/technical_tips/site/faq.md