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Score 36.6


Module Style There are 14 suffixes: bg1-5, title1-5, flush, flushtop, flushbottom & basic, a mix of stylistic suffixes, to adjust title/bg style and color, as well as structural suffixes.

Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/templates/crystalline/
Score 36.6

Myriad: Animation on Scroll

By clicking on the atom, you will find the Global settings to be used for your AOS elements: AOS Attributes Once the atom is in place, you can now use the data-aos attributes within any of your HTML tags as shown here: <div data-aos="fade-up">Photo Centric Template</div> You can also

Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/templates/myriad/aos.md
Score 36.6

Anacron: Animation on Scroll

By clicking on the atom, you will find the Global settings to be used for your AOS elements: AOS Attributes Once the atom is in place, you can now use the data-aos attributes within any of your HTML tags as shown here: <div data-aos="fade-up">Photo Centric Theme</div> You can also

Grav Documentation /docs/grav/themes/anacron/atom_aos.md
Score 36.6

Myriad: Animation on Scroll

By clicking on the atom, you will find the Global settings to be used for your AOS elements: AOS Attributes Once the atom is in place, you can now use the data-aos attributes within any of your HTML tags as shown here: <div data-aos="fade-up">Photo Centric Theme</div> You can also

Grav Documentation /docs/grav/themes/myriad/aos.md
Score 36.6

Anacron: Animation on Scroll

By clicking on the atom, you will find the Global settings to be used for your AOS elements: AOS Attributes Once the atom is in place, you can now use the data-aos attributes within any of your HTML tags as shown here: <div data-aos="fade-up">Photo Centric Theme</div> You can also

Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/anacron/atom_aos.md
Score 36.6

Chimera: Animation on Scroll

By clicking on the atom, you will find the Global settings to be used for your AOS elements: AOS Attributes Once the atom is in place, you can now use the data-aos attributes within any of your HTML tags as shown here: <div data-aos="fade-up">Photo Centric Theme</div> You can also

Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/chimera/atom_aos.md
Score 36.6

Myriad: Animation on Scroll

By clicking on the atom, you will find the Global settings to be used for your AOS elements: AOS Attributes Once the atom is in place, you can now use the data-aos attributes within any of your HTML tags as shown here: <div data-aos="fade-up">Photo Centric Theme</div> You can also

Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/myriad/aos.md
Score 35.8

Gantry5: Meet the Menu Editor

This global administrative panel gives you the ability to quickly and easily enhance your site’s menus. In this article, we will take a look at Gantry5’s Menu Editor, and how users can use it to quickly and drastically change the way menus appear on the front end.

Joomla Articles /blog/team/176-gantry5-meet-the-menu-editor
Score 34.6

Orion: Animation on Scroll

By clicking on the atom, you will find the Global settings to be used for your AOS elements: Option Description Duration Values from 0 to 3000, with step 50ms. Once Whether animation should happen only once - while scrolling down.

Grav Documentation /docs/grav/themes/orion/atom_aos.md
Score 34.6

Phoenix: Animation on Scroll

By clicking on the atom, you will find the Global settings to be used for your AOS elements: Option Description Duration Values from 0 to 3000, with step 50ms. Once Whether animation should happen only once - while scrolling down.

Grav Documentation /docs/grav/themes/phoenix/atom_aos.md