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Once a product is considered Legacy, it will be considered expired and the original purchaser may no longer have access to downloads, or any related support forums. You can find more information about single-template purchases and Club memberships here. What is a Site License?
RocketTheme Documentation /docs/accounts_billing/faq.mdWhy should your site not be a part of this conversation? After all, Facebook and Reddit are where more people are discovering information these days. Take a moment to consider what makes a post sharable to you.
RocketTheme Documentation /docs/technical_tips/blogging/how_to_build_an_audience.mdThese plugins are considered legacy and no longer supported by RocketTheme. Many of their features and functionality have been integrated into RokSprocket. Text This section of the page is a standard text widget. You will need to enter the following in the main text field.
Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/syndicate/demo_contenttop.mdOption Description Item Name The item name becomes the title of the category item. Featured Decide whether you want the item to be featured or not. URL Customize the URL you want the category title to send people to. Target Set the target for the link.
Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/templates/akuatik/particle_categorylist.mdOption Description Item Name The item name becomes the title of the category item. Featured Decide whether you want the item to be featured or not. URL Customize the URL you want the category title to send people to. Target Set the target for the link.
Grav Documentation /docs/grav/themes/akuatik/particle_categorylist.mdOption Description Item Name The item name becomes the title of the category item. Featured Decide whether you want the item to be featured or not. URL Customize the URL you want the category title to send people to. Target Set the target for the link.
Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/akuatik/particle_categorylist.md<div class="rt-width-80">A diverse array of features to enrich your side, provide great flexibility as well as ease of use and swift customization.
Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/templates/g4epsilon/demo_module_5.mdHere is a breakdown of the settings we used: Field Setting Icon 1 fa fa-twitter Text 1 Link 1 # Icon 2 fa fa-facebook Text 2 Link 2 # Icon 3 fa fa-rss Text 3 Link 3 #
Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/plethora/demo_top.mdCheck Your Links and Social Network Pages A lot of people love to put social network badges on their personal portfolio in order to encourage people to follow them on their Twitter, Facebook, or Google+ account. This can be a double-edged sword when it comes to attracting potential employers.
RocketTheme Documentation /docs/technical_tips/personal/personal_portfolio.mdPlease check our Template Info page for all Epsilon features in one complete list. Can I Change the Hexagons to Something Else?
Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/templates/g4epsilon/faq.md