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Score 68.9

Crystalline: FAQ

The directory listing mentioned below is relative to the root of the WordPress installation. Navigate to the /wp-content/themes/rt_crystalline_wp/images/logo/ directory.

Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/crystalline/faq.md
Score 47.3

RokBooster: Troubleshooting

Determine if a Single File is Causing the Issue It is useful to use the same process mentioned in the last section to figure out if its just a single file that is causing the problem. The Resources tab will give you a list of all the scripts and stylesheets that are called on the page.

Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/extensions/rokbooster/troubleshooting.md
Score 47.3

Lumiere: Recreating the Demo: Special Features

MIME Types for Video Formats As mentioned above, HTML5 video uses MP4, WebM and Ogg formats. While most servers have been configured for MP4, some servers will not run WebM and Ogg well if the mime types are not configured well.

Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/templates/lumiere/special_features.md
Score 38.6

How to Turn Up PHP Error Logging Levels

This won't have any affect on the private error logging mentioned previously in this guide. php_flag display_startup_errors off php_flag html_errors off php_flag display_errors off You can also disable error display to visitors through your site's php.ini file.

RocketTheme Documentation /docs/technical_tips/general/phplogging.md
Score 31.9

So Long RokTwittie

This seems to be enough for most cases, but Twitter has mentioned that more customization and functionality for this widget is coming in the future. What does this mean for RokTwittie?

Joomla Articles /blog/extensions/35-so-long-roktwittie
Score 31.9

Swiper: The Modern Touch Slider

Swiper: All the Themes As we mentioned earlier, we are hoping to integrate this amazing particle into all of our Gantry 5 themes.

Grav Joomla Wordpress Articles /blog/team/278-swiper-the-modern-touch-slider
Score 30.6

10 Essentials to Create Perfect SEO Optimized Content for your Websites

This will improve your conversion in a huge way. 6. Semantic Search We all know that search engine’s algorithms are constantly updated and improved to make the experience of the end user smoother and smoother.

RocketTheme Articles /blog/design/259-10-essentials-to-create-perfect-seo-optimized-content-for-your-websites
Score 30.2

How to Install Magento Community Edition

Ability to override options in .htaccess files Step 1: Download Magento There are two primary methods we recommend for downloading Magento.

Magento Documentation /docs/magento/start/install_magento.md
Score 30.2

Cerulean: Recreate the Demo

General Option Setting Enable Homepage Scroller Yes Enable Category Scroller Yes Prev/Next Function Page Truncate Product Titles Truncate On Max Titles Length 32 Image Size 140 Speed 1 Circular Loop On Products Per Page 6 Use Tooltip

Magento Documentation /docs/magento/themes/cerulean/demo.md
Score 30.2

Clarion: Recreate the Demo

General Option Setting Enable Homepage Scroller Yes Enable Category Scroller Yes Prev/Next Function Page Truncate Product Titles Truncate On Max Titles Length 32 Image Size 140 Speed 1 Circular Loop On Products Per Page 6 Use Tooltip

Magento Documentation /docs/magento/themes/clarion/demo.md