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Score 48.0

Cygnet: Recreating the Demo - To Top

To Top Section Here is the widget breakdown for the To Top section: Gantry To Top The Gantry To Top widget is a simple indicator which allows users to jump to the top of a page with a single click. Just click and drag this widget into the section to activate it.

Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/cygnet/demo_totop.md
Score 47.8

Ethereal: Recreating the Demo - Coming Soon Page

To do this, navigate to the Assignments administration panel within the Gantry 5 administrator, locate the desired pages you wish you have the Coming Soon page appear, and turn their toggles on. Once you have saved your changes, you can navigate to the front end of your site to check the results.

Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/templates/ethereal/comingsoon.md
Score 47.8

Xenon: Recreating the Demo - Coming Soon Page

To do this, navigate to the Assignments administration panel within the Gantry 5 administrator, locate the desired pages you wish you have the Coming Soon page appear, and turn their toggles on. Once you have saved your changes, you can navigate to the front end of your site to check the results.

Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/xenon/comingsoon.md
Score 47.8

Salient: Recreating the Demo - Coming Soon Page

To do this, navigate to the Assignments administration panel within the Gantry 5 administrator, locate the desired pages you wish you have the Coming Soon page appear, and turn their toggles on. Once you have saved your changes, you can navigate to the front end of your site to check the results.

Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/templates/salient/comingsoon.md
Score 47.8

Isotope: Recreating the Demo - Coming Soon Page

To do this, navigate to the Assignments administration panel within the Gantry 5 administrator, locate the desired pages you wish you have the Coming Soon page appear, and turn their toggles on. Once you have saved your changes, you can navigate to the front end of your site to check the results.

Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/isotope/comingsoon.md
Score 47.8

Kraken: Recreating the Demo - Coming Soon Page

To do this, navigate to the Assignments administration panel within the Gantry 5 administrator, locate the desired pages you wish you have the Coming Soon page appear, and turn their toggles on. Once you have saved your changes, you can navigate to the front end of your site to check the results.

Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/kraken/comingsoon.md
Score 47.8

Requiem: Recreating the Demo - Coming Soon Page

To do this, navigate to the Assignments administration panel within the Gantry 5 administrator, locate the desired pages you wish you have the Coming Soon page appear, and turn their toggles on. Once you have saved your changes, you can navigate to the front end of your site to check the results.

Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/requiem/comingsoon.md
Score 47.8

Salient: Recreating the Demo - Coming Soon Page

To do this, navigate to the Assignments administration panel within the Gantry 5 administrator, locate the desired pages you wish you have the Coming Soon page appear, and turn their toggles on. Once you have saved your changes, you can navigate to the front end of your site to check the results.

Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/salient/comingsoon.md
Score 47.8

Vermilion: Recreating the Demo - Extension

</p> <p class="hidden-tablet hidden-phone">This option allows you to check exactly how the demo is constructed.

Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/g4vermilion/demo_extension.md
Score 47.4

Requiem: Tips and Tricks

We have outlined some tips and tricks to help you make the most of the style below. Modules Our demo of Requiem features several modules which demonstrate what you can do with Requiem in phpBB 3.1.

Phpbb Documentation /docs/phpbb/styles/requiem/tips.md