Quickly search documentation, product details and articles.
Requirements RokFeatureTable has the following requirements in order to operate: Joomla 3.x - ensure you are using the latest version Compatible Browsers: Firefox 4+, Chrome, Safari, IE9+, Opera Internet Explorer 7 and before are not supported.
Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/extensions/rokfeaturetable/RokMiniEvents has the following requirements in order to operate: Joomla 3.x - ensure you are using the latest version Compatible Browsers: Firefox 4+, Chrome, Safari, IE9+, Opera NOTICE: This extension is available for Joomla 2.5 and Joomla 3.x.
Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/extensions/rokminievents/Requirements RokNavMenu has the following requirements in order to operate: Joomla 3.x - ensure you are using the latest version. Compatible Browsers: Firefox, Chrome, Safari, IE8+, Opera.
Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/extensions/roknavmenu/Requirements RokComments has the following requirements in order to operate: Joomla 3.x - ensure you are using the latest version.
Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/extensions/rokcomments/Requirements RokFeatureTable has the following requirements in order to operate: WordPress 5.x - Ensure you have the latest version. Compatible Browsers: Firefox, Chrome, Safari, IE8+, Opera.
Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/plugins/rokfeaturetable/Requirements RokIntroScroller has the following requirements in order to operate: WordPress 5.x - Ensure you have the latest version. Compatible Browsers: Firefox, Chrome, Safari, IE8+, Opera.
Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/plugins/rokintroscroller/Requirements RokSprocket has the following requirements in order to operate: WordPress 5.x - Ensure that you are using the latest version. PHP 5.4 and above Compatible Browsers: Firefox, Chrome, Safari, IE8+, Opera.
Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/plugins/roksprocket/Requirements RokSprocket has the following requirements in order to operate: Joomla 3.x - ensure you are using the latest version Compatible Browsers: Firefox, Chrome, Safari, IE8+, Opera.
Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/extensions/roksprocket/Requirements RokWeather has the following requirements in order to operate: Joomla 3.x - ensure you are using the latest version Compatible Browsers: Firefox, Chrome, Safari, IE8+, Opera.
Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/extensions/rokweather/Requirements RokAjaxSearch has the following requirements in order to operate: WordPress 5.x - Ensure that you are using the latest version. Compatible Browsers: Firefox, Chrome, Safari, IE8+, Opera.
Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/plugins/rokajaxsearch/