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Score 8.2

Versla: Recreating the Demo - Template Settings

These settings can be adjusted by navigating to Administration -> Components -> Gantry 5 Themes -> Versla. To replicate the demo, the styling changes are being made in the Styles tab. Most of the settings under Styles are adjusted automatically with the selection of a template preset.

Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/templates/versla/demo_settings.md
Score 8.2

Denali: Recreating the Demo - Theme Settings

More information about how Styles work can be found in our Gantry documentation.

Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/denali/demo_settings.md
Score 8.2

How to Work with Cache in Magento

This can lead to your website needing to pull in many separate JavaScript files so the page can load. Merging these files can save a good amount of time and weight on page load. This is a good feature to turn on once you are finished customizing your site and theme.

Magento Documentation /docs/magento/basic/cache.md
Score 8.2

RocketTheme Purchasing Guide

You will want to use your real name under the Name field, but you can choose anything you would like to be your Username. For the Password, we recommend choosing one with at least the following: 6+ Characters 1+ Digits 1+ Special Characters (!

RocketTheme Documentation /docs/accounts_billing/purchase.md
Score 8.2

RokSprocket: Layout Modes

This can not be undone, and you will need to click the icon twice to lock in the change. When using ‘Simple’ as the content provider, you can set ordering to random and/or manual.

Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/plugins/roksprocket/layout_modes.md
Score 8.2

Isotope: FAQ

The ratio can be assigned a numeric value just as the FlexSlider's can. The type, however, should be background as the background is what the effect is applied to.

Grav Documentation /docs/grav/themes/isotope/faq.md
Score 8.2

Versla: Product List Particle

As an example, the X can be name or options: Note: The title of each attribute must be setup properly as explained in order for it to work. Next, you can then add the desired value for the attribute.

Grav Documentation /docs/grav/themes/versla/particle_productlist.md
Score 8.2

Versla: Product List Particle

As an example, the X can be name or options: Note: The title of each attribute must be setup properly as explained in order for it to work. Next, you can then add the desired value for the attribute.

Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/versla/particle_productlist.md
Score 8.2

Versla: Product List Particle

As an example, the X can be name or options: Note: The title of each attribute must be setup properly as explained in order for it to work. Next, you can then add the desired value for the attribute.

Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/templates/versla/particle_productlist.md
Score 8.2

RocketTheme Forum Guide

By titling the topics in a way that makes it easy for them to identify an issue, they can quickly provide relevant information and/or forward them to someone that can provide insight.

Joomla Wordpress Magento Phpbb Documentation /docs/technical_tips/site/forum_guide.md