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Score 176.3

How to Install Magento Community Edition

Valid SSL certificate required if HTTPS is used to work in the admin Self-signed SSL certificates are not supported Hosting Ability to run scheduled jobs (crontab) with PHP 5 Ability to override options in .htaccess files Step 1: Download Magento There are two primary methods we recommend for

Magento Documentation /docs/magento/start/install_magento.md
Score 113.9

Magento Hosting Guide

: If HTTPS is used to work in the admin, SSL certificate should be valid.

Magento Documentation /docs/hosting/magento.md
Score 70.4

RokUpdater: Easy Updating for RocketTheme Extensions

This is all done over SSL unless the site's PHP settings don't allow for SSL. In these cases, RokUpdater can still function in a non-SSL capacity. RokUpdater establishes a unique ID for each site once you log in. You can log in to as many sites as you want.

Joomla Articles /blog/extensions/30-rokupdater-easy-updating-for-rockettheme-extensions
Score 68.9

Contact Forms

In the user/config/system.yaml file ensure your have the following configuration: errors: display: 1 log: true Configuration Issues As explained above in the Configuration section, if you're using the default settings, set the Plugin configuration to use a SMTP server.

Grav Documentation /docs/grav/start/contact.md
Score 53.7

Infographic: Technical SEO Tips

The speed at which your site loads, whether or not you offer SSL, broken links, and even the types of ads you run on your website affect how well it ranks in search results.

RocketTheme Articles /blog/design/248-infographic-technical-seo-tips
Score 33.4

How to Install phpBB

Step 5: Administrator Configuration The Administrator Configuration page is where you can set the primary language used in the board, as well as the administrator name, password, and contact email address.

Phpbb Documentation /docs/phpbb/start/install.md
Score 33.4

How to Install phpBB 3.1

Step 5: Administrator Configuration The Administrator Configuration page is where you can set the primary language used in the board, as well as the administrator name, password, and contact email address.

Phpbb Documentation /docs/phpbb/start/install_31.md
Score 33.4

How to Install a phpBB RocketLauncher

Step 1: Upload phpBB to Your Server The first thing you will need to do is download a RocketLauncher. You can either keep the zip file compressed and upload it directly to your server via FTP.

Phpbb Documentation /docs/phpbb/start/rocketlauncher.md
Score 33.4

How to Install a phpBB 3.1 RocketLauncher

Step 1: Upload phpBB to Your Server The first thing you will need to do is download a RocketLauncher. You can either keep the zip file compressed and upload it directly to your server via FTP.

Phpbb Documentation /docs/phpbb/start/rocketlauncher_31.md
Score 21.9

Privacy Statement

We work to protect your information during transmission by using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) software, which encrypts the information that you provide online at our Web Site.

RocketTheme Articles /legal/91-privacy-statement