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The Table Prefix (point 5) is used to differentiate your Joomla data from other data stored in the database. One will be randomly generated in this space, though you can change it to whatever you would like.
Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/platform/install_joomla_3x.mdThe next step in installation concerns the database you wish to use. If Joomla is your content management system, then your database is where this content is stored and made available. Joomla will actually create a database for you so you do not have to bother with setting this up on your end.
Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/platform/rocketlauncher_3x.mdWhen someone comments on a video on YouTube, or posts their opinion of your site on your Facebook wall, it does not take any more than a few seconds to thank them or respond to their concerns.
RocketTheme Documentation /docs/technical_tips/blogging/how_to_build_an_audience.mdThis is the same team that created Gantry 5. This enabled us to build a seamless user experience at both the CMS and theme level. Grav and Gantry 5 share the same basic code base and a seamless administrator UI.
Grav Articles /blog/team/237-introducing-rockettheme-new-grav-theme-clubThese three short blocks answer several of the primary concerns someone might have when considering a Web-based workout experience. If that hasn’t convinced you, there is a short, four-word review from a major magazine directly below it.
RocketTheme Articles /blog/design/173-how-to-tell-a-story-with-your-websiteDispute Resolution Please direct any questions or concerns regarding the use or disclosure of Personal Information or Prospect Information to us by using the Contact Information given below.
RocketTheme Articles /legal/91-privacy-statement