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Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/kraken/pricing.md[6%, 6%, se] Custom HTML 2 [6%, 36%, se] Custom HTML 3 [6%, 66%, se] Custom HTML 4 [55%, 6%, se] Info List 1 [69%, 6%, se] Info List 2 [69%, 50%, se] The Mainbar section itself renders as 100% of the page width as there are no particles or positions assigned to the Sidebar section.
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[6%, 6%, se] Custom HTML 2 [6%, 36%, se] Custom HTML 3 [6%, 66%, se] Custom HTML 4 [55%, 6%, se] Info List 1 [69%, 6%, se] Info List 2 [69%, 50%, se] The Mainbar section itself renders as 100% of the page width as there are no particles or positions assigned to the Sidebar section.
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Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/templates/callisto/faqpage.md