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Score 34.1

How to Set Up a RokBox Member Login

Introduction Setting up a RokBox member login is a great way to add quick and easy visual appeal to the process of logging in for your site's members. It only takes a few minutes to set up.

Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/basic/how_to_set_up_a_rokbox_member_login.md
Score 34.1

How to Install a Joomla 3.x RocketLauncher

Your Username and Password need to be entered next. This information may be provided by your host, or available for you to configure to your preferences. Check with your host to determine which options are available to you. The same applies to the Database Name field.

Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/platform/rocketlauncher_3x.md
Score 34.1

Nebulae: Recreating the Demo - Other Ways to Connect

Other Ways to Connect This area of the front page is a standard mod_custom module. The settings we used in the demo are listed below.

Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/templates/nebulae/demo_module_5.md
Score 34.1

How to Set Up Store Categories in Magento

This allows you to assign the stores root category when you set it up. If you want to have different stores, but all with the same products, you can assign the same root category to all of them.

Magento Documentation /docs/magento/basic/store_categories.md
Score 34.1

How to Build an Audience on Your Blog

Often, people are more inclined to share interesting tidbits of information, tips for life, or interesting questions than links to someone's opinion piece. Use this to your advantage.

RocketTheme Documentation /docs/technical_tips/blogging/how_to_build_an_audience.md
Score 34.1

How to Turn Up PHP Error Logging Levels

How to Prevent Unauthorized Access to the Log File ----- Chances are, you don't want the public to have the ability to read your log files from the comfort of their browsers. You can (and should) secure this file using htaccess permissions.

RocketTheme Documentation /docs/technical_tips/general/phplogging.md
Score 31.8

How to Edit the Logo on a RocketTheme Template

First, you will have to decide whether you want to create a "default logo" that is easy to go back to after any temporary or seasonal logos, or a promotional "replacement logo". The easiest method to use a "replacement logo" is to use the Logo Picker method.

Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/basic/how_to_edit_the_logo.md
Score 31.8

How to Install a RocketTheme Style for phpBB 3.0

You can typically find a direct link to the ACP by navigating to the very bottom of the front page of your phpBB installation and clicking Administration Control Panel. Step 1: Download the Style Downloading a RocketTheme phpBB style is pretty simple.

Phpbb Documentation /docs/phpbb/start/styles.md
Score 31.8

How to Install a RocketTheme Style for phpBB 3.1

Step 3: Activation Customise Tab [25%, 37%, se] Install Styles [55%, 5%, se] Once your style is uploaded, you can activate it and set it to default by accessing the Administration Control Panel (ACP).

Phpbb Documentation /docs/phpbb/start/styles_31.md
Score 29.8

WordPress: How to Update WordPress Plugins and Gantry 4 Themes

Updating Gantry 5 Themes To update our Gantry 5 themes, please follow the documentation here (click on the WordPress tab): http://docs.gantry.org/gantry5/basics/updating-themes

Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/start/update_wordpress.md