Your Guide to Using Particles in Chimera for Grav
The Icon List particle provides a method of quickly adding animated icon-driven content lists to your website.
Here are the topics covered in this guide:
The main options area of this particle's settings panel houses the items list. There are no settings available at this level.
These items make up the individual featured items in the particle.
Option | Description |
Icon | Select the icon you would like to have appear with the title area in the item. |
Item Title | Enter a text title for the item that appears on the front end. |
Description | Enter a text description for the item. This appears as the primary paragraph in the particle. |
AOS Class | Select the type of animation to appear on scroll. |
AOS Delay | Enter a delay time (in milliseconds) for the animation to trigger. |
Link | Enter the url you want that link to go to. |