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Ambrosia: List Particle

Your Guide to Using Particles in Ambrosia for WordPress


The List particle makes it easy to display detailed bullet-point list items with descriptions that expand on click.

Here are the topics covered in this guide:


Main Options

Option Description
CSS Classes Set the CSS class(es) you would like to have apply at the particle level.
Title Enter the title of the particle you would like to have appear on the front end.
Description Enter a description for the particle, appears under the subtitle.
Display at Once Enter the number of items to display at a time.
Collapsible Preview Enable or Disable collapsible previews.
Prev / Next Enable or Disable Prev / Next navigation.
Prev Text Enter text for the Prev button.
Next Text Enter text for the Next button.
Dots Enable or Disable dots navigation.
Loop Enable or Disable item looping.
Autoplay Enable or Disable autoplay.
Autoplay Speed Set the speed of Autoplay (in milliseconds).
Pause on Hover Pause autoplay on cursor hover.

Item Options

Option Description
Name The item's name is used for backend organization and does not appear on the front end.
Title Enter a title for the item. This is what appears when the item is collapsed.
Description Enter a description that appears when the item is interacted with on the front end.
Link Enter a URL that users will be taken to upon selecting the link.
Link Text Enter text for the link to be displayed through.
Target Select a target for the link URL.

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