I like several things. F.i. top positions allow to keep some powerful adverts shown despite scrolling, and god knows avertising is becoming a request of websites.
I don't like at all the auto-contrast which doesn't allow to modify the color setting for text. Rocketthem templates have always offered text colours which make it difficult to read. Heavy reading websites with a lot of info need less color in texts and more black typo over clear backgrounds (and not grey text, or green, or so); unless it's white on dark grey, of course. In RT I always modify color text to black. So auto-contrast is, for me, a nonsense.
Although it's not hooked up into the Template for design and development decision, you can still easily modify the auto light/dark colors that you want to use.
If you go into the template folder and edit features/styledeclaration.php, at the very top, around lines 18-19, you will find: var $_light = '#fff';
var $_dark = '#222';
There is where you can tweak your light and dark colors, so #222 will become #000 in your case and the auto-contrast will still work the same.