OK, 2 things left to know:
1: Where on this website can I see the upgrade of Versatility III - on the front page? In this forum? Or where?
2: Is all new templates (from august or september, and foreward) gonna be in both Joomla 1.0.13 and 1.5 versions...?
sounds cool. But with everything not only themes but everything will need to be changed over to 1.5.
So No rush, everything has a lot of work to move to 1.5. ( I know you could just run the legacy bot ) Think that I will wait a year, 1.0.13 is still a great CMS, the best, 1.5 changes a lot of things, I know it is going to be a lot better when everything catches up.
LDAP is what I would love but i can wait, make sure everyone is on the same page and then move to it.
"There is a time for daring and a time for caution, and a wise man knows which is called for."
Does the current lineup of RT extensions work in 1.5RC1? I use to run 1.5beta and Slimbox (Vers III) would not work. It would just display the actual code instead of the pictures. I have since removed everything site related and moved to 1.0.12 so as to have accesss to more content options.
"If it is just us, it seems like an awful waste of space."