Re: DISCUSS: Anacron - February 2014 Joomla Template Release
Posted 10 years 10 months ago
Hi James,
Some important question to start with, concerning Anacron:
is it possible to display large images in the top part of the front page instead of the text with # colored backgrounds or with the text on top of a picture as background?
"Maximize Site Utility with the dynamic header etc" ... takes up so much space?
Re: DISCUSS: Anacron - February 2014 Joomla Template Release
Posted 10 years 10 months ago
yes, the images can be change in template manager - the text is from a roksprocket.
Regards, Mark.
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Re: DISCUSS: Anacron - February 2014 Joomla Template Release
Posted 10 years 10 months ago
A preliminary question before choosing Anachron.
Q: is it possible to substitute $88 etc in the pricing table with an image? (with a CSS file)
Thank you for your answer.
Re: DISCUSS: Anacron - February 2014 Joomla Template Release
Posted 10 years 6 months ago
Hi Mr T. I have a question regarding Rocksprocket used within Anacron if i may?
You state images can be changed in the template manager, yes this is true for overlays, etc but this is for ONE image only.
How do you change the scrolling backgrounds from colours to fullwidth background images when changing the module from Showcase to Slideshow? I have tried this but the image does not fit full height nor full width?