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DISCUSS Notio Released for Joomla

    • Ryan M Pierson's Avatar
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    DISCUSS Notio Released for Joomla

    Posted 7 years 6 months ago
    • WBoro's Avatar
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    Re: DISCUSS Notio Released for Joomla

    Posted 7 years 6 months ago
    • I am having a good time getting my first Notio site configured, however I am curious. How do you folks pronounce the name of this theme? Is it "no-shee-oh", "no-tee-oh", "no-show" or what?


      PS: In the middle of building this site, Joomla! 3.7.5 was released. Can't get any fresher than that.
    • Last Edit: 7 years 6 months ago by WBoro.
    • Ryan M Pierson's Avatar
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    Re: DISCUSS Notio Released for Joomla

    Posted 7 years 6 months ago
    • That's a good question!

      I don't know. But according to this site ... it's different depending on what country you're in.
    • Ryan Matthew Pierson / Technical Writer / Buda, TX USA
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    Re: DISCUSS Notio Released for Joomla

    Posted 7 years 6 months ago
    • Ryan M Pierson wrote:
      That's a good question!

      I don't know. But according to this site ... it's different depending on what country you're in.
      I guess that proves it... there's a web site for everything.

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    Re: DISCUSS Notio Released for Joomla

    Posted 7 years 6 months ago
    • Looks really nice!

      What i have to do to migrate an older DOMINION site to NOTIO?
      Would it be possible to export parts of the old DB, articles and categories in a fresh NOTIO thing?

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    Re: DISCUSS Notio Released for Joomla

    Posted 7 years 6 months ago
    • KM's Avatar
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    Re: DISCUSS Notio Released for Joomla

    Posted 7 years 6 months ago
    • Thanks! Seems to be a promise. I`ll going to try it.
  • Re: DISCUSS Notio Released for Joomla

    Posted 7 years 6 months ago

      I am a 10 years member with Rockettheme. The Gantry templates managment and layouts are the best in the industry. Very easy to use and play with layouts.
      But many temnplate s are not finished for being a production ready templates and need hours of CSS Styles corrections. I consider most templates are 50% undercooked. Not ready to be used for a professionally FUNCTIONING site.

      I am getting a sense that Rockettheme team kind a tired with releasing new joomla templates and lost its motivation to make templates properly functional for the purpose its released.


      Notio is underdeveloped and greately disfunctional theme.

      Each time the Rockettheme released new template I always wonder: do they actually tryed to use the template on a real professional site? I have big doubds.There are not too many PROFESSIONALLY done sites built with Rockettheme. Did you seeing professional News site built on Rockettheme? Hm. Hm. The problem is that Notio is not finished as News tempalate due to luck of functionalities that typical news site needs. Part of the message is hidden for the guests. Please log in or register to see it.

      1. CARD MODULE:
      For Example: I ask myself - what is the ... heck...with the Card module at the left top? Top Left space is the most valuble space on the news site. Complete waiste of imagination. O, yes, sure, i can turn it off. The problem is not me being able or not to turn this module off, but in luck of NEWS type of module functionality. Ok, I turned it OFF , not a big deal.... and ... IT changed size of my NEW SLIDER. - you see the right part of NEWS SLIDER shows only 3 thumbnails instead of 5. Ok, i cope with it. not a beag deal.

      2. NEWS SLIDER:

      PROBLEM 1
      News slider - is awesome idea. News Slider is a PRIMARY element of the news site. Problem: THis Newslider is hard to use, because it does not rotait Main image, the Title on the image does not have gray background - makes it hard to read on my images. Te right side thumbs - the only single function it to switch Main presentation. THat is so lame.

      PROBLEM 2
      - lack of auto rotation. It is a must. No excuse for it.

      PROBLEM 3:
      - Image is not clickable. It is very inconvenient for usability.


      THe thumbnails are large enough to become its own mini sliders and if you add a click to it - it wil become as a slider on a msn.com Please take a look. In the way it is now - these thumbnails - it is a complete waist. Users dont want to make extra clciks because designer beliveve they need to make that extra clcik.

      - Add autorotation
      - Add gray semitransparent bakground on the Title
      - Make Image clickable as link
      - Keep Title clickable as it is now

      3) LAYOUT is not meant for Tall sites to be RESPONSIVE:

      Vertical - this leads to folding second, third, forth culmns pile up under each other in responce to smaller screen sizes. Theat lead to pushing main content way below.

      Layout Vertical - LIMITATION for VERTICAL page size:

      - Vertical layout is not proctical due to fact that it limits vertical space. Modern sites built with content preloaders that loads more page content as a user scrolls down so the user keep scrolling for infinately long page. It work with Horisontal modules layouts, not vertical positions.

      Take a look at MSN.com - how their modules folds. They have horizontal layout. Resizing screen leads to main most important content not beong pushed down. Secions that are horizontal - each section keeps its modules and fold NEXT section under it. - good organization/ architecture


      IMPROVEMENTS I like:
      - Images are no longer simply visuals for sake to show an image, they are funcionaly capable as links.

      Posibility for improvement: make article title layerd on the image. Make semi transparent background for title text.

      Part of the message is hidden for the guests. Please log in or register to see it.

      4) Read More - Read More link is the old usability that does not have meaning any more in many situations.

      CATEGORY PAGE with modifyed Read More:
      For example: on a category page: I took a Read More link and placed it on top layer of an image. It is much better use of real estate of this page. It looks more PROFESSIONAL as well, compare to " typical " way of having Image with "stupid" Read More links.

      Part of the message is hidden for the guests. Please log in or register to see it.

      5) Tabs: I wish they can auto rotate. Image size on the tabs are not controllable. Too bad if i want to use it in horizontal positions.

      Any way, I wish that main theme developr for Notio take a look at msn.com ad yahoo.com sites to get the ideas for modules presentations.
      --- Ore --- show me a well done professionally functioned site with the same verticle layout and same functinality modules.
      Thank you.
    • Last Edit: 7 years 6 months ago by masteroleg.
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    Re: DISCUSS Notio Released for Joomla

    Posted 7 years 5 months ago
    • I think your comment deserves a thoughtful reply. You took the time to write it and you made some good points. I too have been a long time customer and feel like the functionality of the particles are thin and lacking. It seems like the hooks are there for them to make things better then they do.

      RocketTheme I'm a huge fan but I agree with some of the things being brought up here and the fact that no one has answered him makes me think you guys no longer have the staff to attend to things properly. What's going on?
    • Love Joomla! & RocketTheme.
    • Ryan M Pierson's Avatar
    • Ryan M Pierson
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    Re: DISCUSS Notio Released for Joomla

    Posted 7 years 5 months ago
    • masteroleg wrote:
      I am a 10 years member with Rockettheme. The Gantry templates managment and layouts are the best in the industry. Very easy to use and play with layouts.

      But many temnplate s are not finished for being a production ready templates and need hours of CSS Styles corrections. I consider most templates are 50% undercooked. Not ready to be used for a professionally FUNCTIONING site.

      We appreciate your being with us for so long. We strive to produce quality templates each month, however not every template meets the needs of everyone each month. Still, we have yet to produce a template that hasn't had its fans and detractors.

      The 50% undercooked observation is an interesting one. Notio is actively used on many websites already, sometimes by individuals with little to no experience in creating custom CSS. While it is not 100% fit for every site's individual needs, it is a base that has been successfully used by our members.
      I am getting a sense that Rockettheme team kind a tired with releasing new joomla templates and lost its motivation to make templates properly functional for the purpose its released.

      Considering making templates is what we do, this feedback is difficult to take. This is literally our passion. It's what we do.

      There are some hard truths we have tried to convey in recent months. First, Joomla as a whole has lost a lot of market share. The user base has seen a decline of dramatic numbers year-over-year for the past four years. As a result, our ability to bring in new customers is limited by this drop in interest in the CMS.

      Our team is smaller than it was in recent years. We're doing more with less people, and that's a challenge. However, our dedication to quality has not diminished in the least. While many other Joomla template houses are closing, we are taking action to keep creating new templates. This means expanding our efforts into other CMS, including WordPress and Grav.

      You'll notice we stopped creating new themes for phpBB and Magento. This step was taken specifically so we could focus more on Joomla, WordPress, and Grav.
      Notio is underdeveloped and greately disfunctional theme.

      Notio has received updates, and we are dedicated to continuing to add features and options as we have for our other templates. For example, Remnant, Flux, Supra, and Salient have all received updates with extra bits and pieces requested by our users, recently.

      Each time the Rockettheme released new template I always wonder: do they actually tryed to use the template on a real professional site? I have big doubds.

      We do, but our small team can't account for every possible use case. Our templates are intended to serve as a base for your website. It's a picture frame, and the developer is the painter. We'd like to think that our templates are designed to work out of the box for most situations, but there will always be needs specific to a website, user, etc.

      For Example: I ask myself - what is the ... heck...with the Card module at the left top? Top Left space is the most valuble space on the news site. Complete waiste of imagination.

      We are very sorry you are not happy with that design decision. Some users have made good use of that module, some choose to remove it and replace it with something else. It's just a piece of our demo and an example of what you can do with Notio.

      Great suggestions! I passed these on to the development team. It's entirely possible they'll be made in a future update. I can't make promises for the dev team, but they're reasonable suggestions.

      Please understand, we make updates to themes like this all the time. It doesn't indicate that we don't care or have some kind of lack of quality control, but that these are features that are good ideas we simply didn't come across in testing. It happens, and we're very sorry for any inconvenience.
      Any way, I wish that main theme developr for Notio take a look at msn.com ad yahoo.com sites to get the ideas for modules presentations.

      We will certainly keep this in mind!

      --- Ore --- show me a well done professionally functioned site with the same verticle layout and same functinality modules.
      Thank you.

      Our demo is really the example we're going to point to. It would be unfair of me to put one of our other customers' websites forward as an example in response to a complaint. That would open their site up to further critique if you disagree with their design decisions, and that's not a position we want to put any of our customers in.

      If, however, someone that has put Notio to good use in their own project(s) wishes to share their insight with you, that would be a totally different situation.

      What I will say is that we appreciate your feedback. This is what helps us do better, and we hope that in the future you share it with us knowing that we do need and greatly appreciate it. Rather than under the assumption that we simply don't care. That couldn't be further from the truth.
    • Ryan Matthew Pierson / Technical Writer / Buda, TX USA

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