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DISCUSS Notio Released for Joomla

    • Ryan M Pierson's Avatar
    • Ryan M Pierson
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    Re: DISCUSS Notio Released for Joomla

    Posted 7 years 5 months ago
    • WebTread wrote:
      RocketTheme I'm a huge fan but I agree with some of the things being brought up here and the fact that no one has answered him makes me think you guys no longer have the staff to attend to things properly. What's going on?

      I'm sorry. I passed the thread along to the dev team in our theme development channel when it came out, but it happened to coincide with a very busy day in the office. I failed to properly follow up.

      Our development team does look at the forum, but not necessarily every part of the forum. This being the announcements section, we are apart from the support end of the forum where they would normally look for this type of problem reporting.

      Still, it's on me, and I apologize.
    • Ryan Matthew Pierson / Technical Writer / Buda, TX USA
    • Grant's Avatar
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    Re: DISCUSS Notio Released for Joomla

    Posted 7 years 5 months ago
    • Thank You Ryan for following up on the member's concerns.

      You took time to write a very well thought out response and it's one of the reasons I greatly appreciate the RocketTheme team. I can appreciate that the team has gotten smaller and the scope of creating Grav has been big. It is awesome and always getting better. But that does mean the smaller team does have less time on getting all the particles for each template rock solid. It is greaat that you guys do go back over the templates over time and improve them. this is one very bright spot for us users.
    • Love Joomla! & RocketTheme.
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    Re: DISCUSS Notio Released for Joomla

    Posted 7 years 5 months ago
    • Hopefully Grav will continue to grow and pay off to afford bringing on a few more team members. It sure looks like it's growing that way. And that Wordpress brings in enough customers so even though we have lost Joomla users it will continue to be one of your solid platforms going forward for years to come.

    • Last Edit: 7 years 5 months ago by Grant.
    • Love Joomla! & RocketTheme.
  • Re: DISCUSS Notio Released for Joomla

    Posted 7 years 5 months ago
    • Ryan M Pierson wrote:
      There are some hard truths we have tried to convey in recent months. First, Joomla as a whole has lost a lot of market share. The user base has seen a decline of dramatic numbers year-over-year for the past four years. As a result, our ability to bring in new customers is limited by this drop in interest in the CMS.

      Being a third party vendor for a maturing product that seems to be declining in marketshare is hard, but it also means you have to become more creative in your development and marketing. It is possible, for example, that some of your customers have moved to other template providers, or, if they purchased templates from multiple vendors, just reduced the number of vendors. Also, it could be they are providing better integration with other services or extension providers.
    • Best regards,

      Lynn Fredricks
      Download Valentina Studio database management for free (macOS, Windows & Linux)
  • Re: DISCUSS Notio Released for Joomla

    Posted 7 years 5 months ago
    • Yes, i posted on the Discussion as my reply to Ryan, abd iam also posting it here to make sure that actual developer may get my practical recommendations. It is up to moderator.

      By the way, most of my recommendtations I already implemented on my site.

      Let me say it strait:

      There is a huge gup between practical use of the templates and hypotetical templates you releasing. THe gap is HUGE and you still dont see my point. Yes, you build a canvas and we paint the picture inside....That is what i hear you from the very beginning of the Rockettheme... Sure, it is true only to some extend.

      Regarding Rockettheme Profitability:

      Imagine you built an IDEAL news Template. Not Typical Generic or Hypotetical for News, but the IDEAL.
      What is going to happend? People wil reffer to Rockettheme as for IDEAL template for the specific Purpose. Huge spike in profitability, isnt it? I think so..

      We live in 2017 and not a 10 years ago, meaning that there are plenty of alternative templates built for r the purpose that is actually USEFUL for the specific purpose and- no need to spend a HUGE amount of time to adjust it as it is THE CASE with ROCKETTHEME templates.

      NOTIO: - this news template is built as assumption to be News template but no one actually tryed to use this template prior to release for the functions that NEWS template must provide.

      We make money and not websites. Newbies build website for a sake of having website. Rest of us have a single purpose - make money with websites. Period.

      As soon as you, your team or a professional person going to use it for the specific reason it is built - News Template - it shows all deficienies and insuffuciencies of the this " News or Magazine" template.

      What is the real purpose of any news template? To show News? NO NO and NO. It is to show ads inside the content and profit as a publisher of ads. Make a user to see related content so they consume more other pieces of conetnt. ANd to see as many pieces of content to choose.

      Below are functionalities that make News template as News template and each statement is based on the definition above.

      The layout of the such template must fit the above main purpose and concept. Otherwise there is no value for such template.

      I. ADs Plugin for content to Insert advertizing modules inside main content area :

      1) Below article Title
      2) Right after paragraph ( selectable - 3-5, 8 etc) Similar as develped by RAXO
      3) Right before Prev Next button on paginations - super important - should be dobe with Plugin.
      4) Right After paginations Prev Next

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      II. Advertisement modules: Should be capable to float on the left and right - for desktop and Completely turned OFF for smartphones.

      (Floating ads on the left and right and stick at the Top and Stick at the Bottom - increase ads profitability. )

      III. Sticky bottom/ top module - that is sticky to the browser.

      IV. Pagination. There are many plugins for pagination on Joomla.org but none are really feasible.

      Pagination Table of content - should be able to turned Off completely.

      Pagination as Prev Next page - is a must for splitting content galleries on multiple pages. Each clcik to the NEXT must refresh the page - and that means refresh ads.

      Pagination plugin must be modifyed. For example: I should be able to turn off PREV buttion - because there is no practicality for it. And Make NEXT button as a block - for full width.

      Pagination should show page numbers 3/10 on the same line with NEXT button or on the button.

      It be nice that pagination button can be inserted more than once on the same page (this techniques is used to split large introductional content on 2 pieces and let a user deside if they want to read or to proceed without scrolling down in search of the next button. THe firts set of pagination buttons should be before the fold and second ( typical) at the bottom of the page)

      * The first set of Pagination is actually should be ONE ( not two) buttons and named such as : START GALLERY, or START WATCHING...

      Button on the last Page - should be connected to the NEXT content in the same category or defined my admin ( instead of being muted)
      ** Extra function: THe image can be clickable as well and become "Next" button. Thius is good for touch screen devices - they dont use mause to clcik.

      THe Pagination content can be modifyed into Galleries. Think about a Gallery as advanced pagenation.

      V. Galleries:

      Galleries used for the purpose to show Image with explainer text below : Large Image/ Image source text and Content text elow - is one slide
      The Pervious / Next bottons are on the left and right side og the image. Ads positioned Above, below and Left/ Right side of the slider.

      Gallery Example:

      Gallery MOde: On page and Full Page Example: Go to the provided above example and make it Full screen and see how gallery performs as full screen mode. Notice Ads or Other content surround it. Most useful is onpage mode. This is because modern users do not want to use Special steps and just clcik on what they see.

      Pagination and Gallery slider must be connected - the End should be leading to the NEW piece of contnet and to Next New Gallery if it is a gallery. See how it works on MSN. This is to make a user "non stocp clicker and page reffresher" - means profitability.

      IV. Layout - is REAL ESTATE and most pro news websites use minimal margins/ paddings parameters. The more Real Estate - the more pieces of RELATED content and Ads as Native modules can be shown and that means profitability. This is specially important for a Front/ Home Page and also Category Pages as a Front page of the category.

      Clicks and Usability:
      A users no longer use mouse only, they learned for touch screen functions and that means they shoul be able to clcik on any part of presentation in a module or elswere to go to content: No 3 clciks before proceeding - proceed with ONE clcik - Image, Title on ar below image and even intro text - all MUST be clcikable and lead to the content on the Module. blog payout or any other presentation.

      Currently the News Module on the Template is 3 clcik navigation. Must be fixed.

      THe News module at its best is by MSN.com on their front page. See it on the Desktop - they compacted a lot and it looks nice too.

      The above News module they have rotating slider connected to promoted content on their site - see these numbered images?

      Modules: Modules/ or on top of images - show an Icon that explain the Type of content: Slideshow, of video, quiz, or article.

      Tabs news Navigation:
      I highly recommend to make Prev Next buttons below that module 50% size. Othervise people dont understand what are these buttons are for. I have watched my users behavior on the site live and recorded and i see what they clcik and not and what they are confused about navigation)

      Layout folding: When changing screen size the modules should be folded in a such way that users able to see main content and ads inside main content.

      Right now the Right column is the firts and long piece folded on mobiles - they may never scroll down do see the Main content. (Check home page oin smartphone and you going to get what i mean)

      THe Rokbooster is not sufficient any more. Try to test template with gtmetrix.com/ and see recommendations what should be added / fixed.

      THer are other plugins on jomla.org to speed up the site but they must be tuned and fixed conflicts with rocketthem.

      Speed is a huge deal and i wish Rockettheme improve rokbooster.

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      Modules/ Content presentation for Categories, Related, - should bve modernized into a clickable image with clikable title and no Read More button tat eats space.

      And lastly : I noticed that on the Front Page - THe middle column - with Tabs are very confusing for users. THe Firts" Leqading" content is a total noncense and HARD to understand that the Text / Title below the Leading content belongto leading content Image. When i made it empty from particle configuration - it take some css manipulations to clean the code because it occupyes estra space and canot gone completely" - That is a bag and for now you may already fixed it.

      Here is the point for developers:

      The Gantry frame is super powerful because it is easy customizable and great for marketers to be able to craft any type of layout as needed - for Opt in Pages with No navigations, for Advertorials - fulfilling special requarements of Ad networks, for Sales pages - and each such page / template built with Gantry is a dream of a marketer.

      The problem of the Rockettheme team:

      Templates should be used with minimum customozation out of the box if it is built as News template - it must function as News temnplate and not a Generic one.

      If you released template for News sites - go head- let real marketers use it as template for News. THe GUP is HUGE. The GUP between HYPOTETICAL use of template and Practical use of template. There is NO reasons to release so many templates avery month/ two month with slightly different look and same problems. My wish: if you build a News template - i am glad to pay 2 or 3X more and use it for the PURPOSE you claim it is built for - instantly. It must justify the purpose of the template or otherwise - iam going to spend too much time searching for extra modules, components and adjust csss until it works according to your Tempalte definition in the description.

      Thank you. I love Rocketthem and i wish you consider my advise.
    • Last Edit: 7 years 5 months ago by masteroleg.
    • oceano's Avatar
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    Re: DISCUSS Notio Released for Joomla

    Posted 7 years 4 months ago
    • Thank you masteroleg. That is what i tried to explain some time ago and, I think my english is very bad, I was treated like a troll.

      RT is like a "lite version" template and particles.

      Nothing is really full developed, like real paid theme or extension club.

      That is the biggest problem as we must use 3rd party estension and all the time is e trouble.

      Most still use rt for Gantry. Me too and also others as i see.

      Notio and many other are useless copy of themself, come on put a particle whit a video or made slideshow more big or more smal don't change so much.

      Guys look you blog page and other...are the same every month, is only the front page that change something, look the mobile menu, same same and nothing special ecc ecc.

      BTW my website is the same airterminal.one. I remade 15 time follow the new twmplate for try to made perfect, as you can see I can't, I must use 3rd party module for the news and made hundreds of CSS modification for try to fit all togheter, if I had a good template and good extension now i have 10.000 article but I used all the time to remake the template and i write just 1.000. Lucky for me is just a hobby, but think about developer that they loose money for fit all and buy ither extension.

      Ok, hope this time you don't see me like a trool as what masteroleg write is what i was trying to explain.

    • Last Edit: 7 years 4 months ago by oceano.
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  • Re: DISCUSS Notio Released for Joomla

    Posted 7 years 4 months ago
    • Thank you oceano! You expressed it really well: "light" template vesion. The point for the Rockettheme is simple: we love your template and we wish you have templates finished before releasing. Finish it to the point that templates can be used for its purpose in the real business.
      Thank you.
  • Re: DISCUSS Notio Released for Joomla

    Posted 7 years 4 months ago
    • Mesaage to David Goode since i am not able to reply under his mesage on the closed copy"

      David, it seeems to me you are on a defensive mode and you missed one single detail. THe defenition of the template you wrote was developed looooong time ago regarding A TEMPLATE.

      The definition of the NOTIO template in the Rockettheme description is " Notio is a beautifully-designed template for magazines, news, and other content-rich websites"

      Sorry, with all the respect, you missed the point.

      And... I dont have a mission to change Rockettheme phylosophy in any way. Good luck.
    • oceano's Avatar
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    Re: DISCUSS Notio Released for Joomla

    Posted 7 years 4 months ago
    • In real we know that never change. We just write what we think and is a wrong decision as is not see as costructive but like polemics. People like me are years that use RT and if you read post from us all we said the same. So my point is use gantry, forget the rest and use others extension. That's all :).
    • oceano's Avatar
    • oceano
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    Re: DISCUSS Notio Released for Joomla

    Posted 7 years 4 months ago
    • BTW is not Joomla that declined is WP that develop more better. Is like linux and windows. Developer of joomla see theyr user as people like coding, use hours for play whit module and design ecc, WP see theyr user as people they need good design, ready to use website and that want focus on content...so joomla loose the user that start from nothing and want just a webiste. But I'm not an high profile devolper and my opinion are just useless :).

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