Akiraka introduces that incredibly functional and powerful Color Chooser, an administrator parameter addition that allows you to change the entire style of your site within seconds. A powerful template, with transparency and many adaptable extensions.
Other features include:
* Awesome Color Chooser
* New RokTabs Module
* New RokAjaxSearch Module
* New RokCandy Component
Dear G*d! This template is awesome. It's so awesome, it brought me out of "lurking" just to comment on it. It's funny because I was talking to a coworker yesterday who wants me to put some recipes online for her to try. And now we have a food template.
Seriously.. I had to come in just to comment on that Ajax Search... That is one of the nicest looking, sleekest, straight up, next level additions to a RT package!
Wow, without all those explanations, Im diggin the Ajax Search.
Looks like a ton of work went into it, with a lot of features and styles from past themes, but this is a nice look.