Crystalline, the March 2010 Club Template release, features the new Color Chooser, a powerful new addition that allows you to customize the theme style with great ease. With just a few adjustments, you can dramatically change the appearance of your entire site.
The transparent nature of the template is what gives the Color Chooser its foundation, but the theme has many more features, mainly orientating around the Gantry v2 core, such as its complex administrator interface and 960 grid system, but other extras too, such as dynamic module variations and the Fusion Menu.
I've only just started looking... WOW! So far it looks like a return to form, the team really is stretching its legs now. Superb effort in such a short month. I love the colour chooser and the set backgrounds rather than the option for high medium and low detail... oh and the 'showcase' module finally looks sexy!
I saw a thread earlier questioning the value in continuing subscription, hands down this template represents all the reasons to renew!
WTF?!! :shock: OK...Gantry it's very cool...really amazing. That's it right?...Noooooooooooooooooooo wait!!!... It's not enough....we also have to make one of the most beautiful templates every month.....OK...I got it.....good enough. BUT Nooooooooooooo....wait, wait.... That's not we are introducing one of the most amazing features ever seen... the most flexible and amazing color chooser..... OK.... enough!!... Noooooo..... (to be continued next month, and the month after that) . That's Rockettheme story. Shocking everyone, every month.
Congratulations guys, you are some of the most talented people in the industry.