I made the verifications with rochenhost and everything seems correct on their side.
Here is their response :
We've been reviewing your site at various points thoughout the day and the delay noted above does seem to be rather consistent. That often indicates that you have a remote include (such as a twitter feed, weather data, an rss feed, etc.) that's causing a delay in the rendering of your page. For comparison purposes, please perform a clean Joomla install in a subdomain under your account and then provide us with the admin URL and superuser username/password if you still see those delays with a clean install, thanks.
I made the following four tests demonstrating that there is no problem with the server.
I tested on the same account and here is the response time for each:
1 - Default joomla 2.5 Template (689ms), the server is effectively very fast
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2 - The Voxel RocketLaucher without modification (1,51s)
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3 - My website without plugins that have have a remote include (Facebook, Mailchimp, gcalendar) (6,92s)
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4 - The complete site (8,95s)
So, when I disable the plugins GCalendar, Facebook and MailChimp, I actually saved 2 seconds. There is still 5 seconds difference between my site and RocketLaucher that I can not understand.
Does someone another avenue of research for me?