I've done searches and what not online via google and youtube and can not find anything to fix my problem. I have my domain with godaddy htproductions.net I purchased an account with rockettheme just within the past couple hours. I installed the theme I wanted and when I go to my site it gives me the error that you see when you go to it. What am I doing wrong please tell me someone can help me figure this out! Thank you
Ok I figured it out went to my firefox and now it shows my theme. Ok now how comes the modules ain't the same as the version I downloaded how do I go about editing it to look similar to the one I downloaded as far as the advertisement modules etc I'm kind of lost on the editing part, and don't know a thing about coding if that has anything to do with it. But I do have photoshop to make whatever graphics I need to make it look good.
Oh no I just used the joomla app on godaddy.com that's weird. So now when and if my subscription here cancels will my site still look the same. I imagine it will because it will be on my ftp server but how will I edit it then? Will it still be manageable with joomla? I mean without the basic content I was starting to go nuts if I had to learn css in order to get my site running like the demo lol
With the RocketLauncher, that file installs the entire template + joomla at the same time, no need to use the hosting installation app.
Delete all the files you have, drop the tables in phpMyAdmin, upload the .zip file where you want to install, extract the .zip file on the server, then install as usual.
I got part of that figured out I set up the database to what I think it's supposed to be done in godaddy uploaded the folder went to my sites url then when I filled out everything to what I think it's supposed to be this is the message I get
Could not connect to the database. Connector returned number: Could not connect to MySQL.
Your best bet is to start from scratch, either empty the database or delete it and start with a new one.
Then reinstall and connect to the new DB.
I do recall that GoDaddy can be a complete nightmare with Joomla on the few occasions we've been forced to work with them, so if it still doesn't work I'd get in touch with them.
I sent them a message the exact message in fact right after I posted this. So before I go and delete everything again. This will be the third time now which sucks because it takes so long to upload that folder to my ftp... Now should I delete the database as well? And set up a new database first before uploading the rocketlauncher. Your right godaddy has been a nightmare but i already paid for it so gotta do what I got ain't going to spend no more money. I should be set after I finally get this running. Also I have a music store widget from myflashstore.net is there a way I can fit this in a module like say in the center of my page how would I go about doing this? Like as far as size adjustments for the module to match the size of the widget and the exact location of where I want it. I know nothing about css but that's probably going to be my only other question I will need answered and I should be able to figure out how to edit the rest of the images and content. Thank you so much CMYKreative you have been alot of help dealing with my non experienced self lol