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Multilingual site using Gantry or any other RT template

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    Multilingual site using Gantry or any other RT template

    Posted 12 years 5 months ago
    • Lots of members ask us how to develop multilingual web site using our templates so I took the time to explain this in details with this tutorial. Hope you will find it useful. Everything written here can be applied to any of the templates provided by RocketTheme.

      Prerequisites :
      1. Joomla 2.5.7 (or higher one day) since I am using direct language install that wasn't implemented in previous versions of Joomla
      2. RocketTheme template
      3. RokNavMenu extension installed
      4. the best results can be achieve with the clean installation of the web site but you can follow the steps to add multilingual setup on already developed web site. You will just have to fiddle around much more with menu configurations after you finish this tutorial

      Start the tutorial

      First thing that you should do is to install additional languages that will be used on the web site. Go to Extension Manager -> Install languages tab
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      Choose additional language from the list of available languages and press Install button.
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      Install as many languages as you want to use on the web site
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      When you installed all the required languages go to Language Manager
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      On the first tab Installed - Site you will see the list of all installed languages on the web site. Now we just need to add content languages manually
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      Click on Content tab to start adding content languages
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      Add new content language by clicking on New button in joomla toolbar
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      You will have to fill required fields. If you need help understanding what is the meaning of each field, use Google search or ask for a help on Joomla official forum or consult Joomla official documentation. Thing are really straightforward and there shouldn't be any problems but you never know :cheesy:
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      When you finished adding all wanted or required content languages, you should have situation similar to the following screen
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      Go to Joomla plugin manager as you need to configure Joomla multilingual plugins
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      Find System - Language Filter Joomla plugin
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      Configure it according to your liking. I recommend the following setup
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      It is time to create some language related categories. Add new category/categories
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      Create main category for each language you will use
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      Under each language category, add additional categories based on your requirements. Be sure that for each category you set corresponding language
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      When you add categories you should have similar situation to the following screenshot
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      Add some articles. Be sure to assign each article to a specific language category
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      You can also configure some SEO related stuff in global configuration so go to Joomla global configuration page
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      It is good choice to use unicode URL aliases, especially if you have special characters in one of the selected language, for example letter 'čćšđž' in Croatian language
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      In order for everything to work and look correctly, you have to add menus that belongs to each language in Menu manager
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      For example, add new menu for German language
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      When you add all required menus, you should have situation similar to this one
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      In menu manager, filter menus items by one of the language related menus (1) and click on New button in Joomla toolbar (2) to add menu items for that specific language
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      Create menu item in the same way you would do it normally but be sure to assign Language parameter (4). Also, for menu item that will represent default (Home page) menu item for a specific language, be sure to set Default Page parameter (3) to Yes
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      When you add all menus and you define Default Page parameter for each language you should have situation similar to the following one
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      One thing that you need to set (if you want specific article for example to change depending on selected language) is Menu Item Associations section's parameters.
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      If you set menu item associations parameters, you will notice new icon in menu item list
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      At the end, you have to assign template copy for each language installed. That is necessary so you can load different menus depending on selected language. Go to Template Manager
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      Select Master copy of the template and press Duplicate button in Joomla toolbar. Create copies of the template for each installed language
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      On template edit screen, be sure to assign language for that specific template copy
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      If you have done everything correctly, you should have multiple copies of the template, each assigned to it's specific language
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      Edit each template copy and assign different menu for each copy so menu can actually change based on the selected language on the frontend of the site
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      If you want to offer possibility for your visitors to actually change site's language on the frontend, you have to publish language selector module so go to Module Manager to do so
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      Click on New button in Joomla toolbar
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      Find Language Switcher module and click on it's title
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      Configure module the way you like it. For example, like this and save module configuration
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      For default language (I set English as default), web site home page is loaded the same as it would if you would use only one language
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      When you click on Language selector images, Home page of the web site changes according to the configuration set previously in menu manager. Notice that Home page for each language doesn't have to be the same menu item type as it is in other languages. You can use which ever menu item type you want. Just be sure to set Menu Item Associations parameters
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      For the end, you can also enable Multilanguage status administrator module so you can check configuration status at any time.
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      Enable Multilanguage status module
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      You will notice new link on the right side of Joomla menu toolbar strip
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      When you click on that link, you should have similar situation like the following one. As you can see, everything is configured and published correctly.
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      This concludes my tutorial. Again, I hope it will be useful to someone. There are few other possible ways to configure multilanguage web site using RocketTheme templates but that might be a subject for some other tutorial 8)
    • Check my services at: Mihha-Vision
  • Re: Multilingual site using Gantry or any other RT template

    Posted 12 years 4 months ago
    • That was a fantastic tutorial. I have just set this all up from scratch in half an hour. I am very very thankful as this would have taken me hours to work out without the tutorial.
  • Re: Multilingual site using Gantry or any other RT template

    Posted 12 years 4 months ago
    • thanks, very clear
  • Re: Multilingual site using Gantry or any other RT template

    Posted 12 years 3 months ago
    • Thanks,
      You've done a great job and helped me a lot. You made my day.
  • Re: Multilingual site using Gantry or any other RT template

    Posted 12 years 3 months ago
    • King Leo's Avatar
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    Re: Multilingual site using Gantry or any other RT template

    Posted 12 years 3 months ago
    • Great tutorial. I have a question: Does this setup work for RTL languages as well? when setting up latin languages things seem to be more of translation and charachter set however I am dealing with multi-language site that includes an RTL language version. RTL images, RTL icons, RTL content...etc. So far I planed to create two separate joomla/gantry instances and treat everything separately only because I don't know better.

      Thanks for your input
  • Re: Multilingual site using Gantry or any other RT template

    Posted 12 years 2 months ago
    • Great tutorial! Thank you :cheesy:
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    Re: Multilingual site using Gantry or any other RT template

    Posted 12 years 1 month ago
    • I locked this topic because it was not meant to get replies. Everything is really explained step by step in this tutorial and it is the way it works. If you have any questions regarding this, please open new thread in template specific forum 8)
    • Check my services at: Mihha-Vision
  • Re: Multilingual site using Gantry or any other RT template

    Posted 12 years 3 weeks ago
    • excellent tutorial!!!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
    • JEM's Avatar
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    Re: Multilingual site using Gantry or any other RT template

    Posted 11 years 7 months ago
    • Bookmarked....

      Should bookmark it 10x more times.

      GREAT job Igor.

      Looks like Joom!Fish is on its way with the dinosaurs.... :shock:
    • Thanks,

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