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About StyleSwitcher in Versatility, Carbonation, etc

  • About StyleSwitcher in Versatility, Carbonation, etc

    Posted 18 years 3 months ago
    • Dear Rocketeers,

      I found many threads in Versatility, Carbonation, etc forum about StyleSwitcher problem.
      There are 2 common questions :
      1. "How To Remove StyleSwitcher" and
      2. "Why StyleSwitcher Does Not Work".

      I write this to help anyone who has this trouble. Nothing is special and please correct me if there is anything wrong in this post. :D

      1. How To Remove StyleSwitcher (Font Size, Color, Width, etc) bar from header ?
      * In index.php of your template folder(Versatility, etc) find this :
      <div id="access">
      bla bla bla
      bla bla bla
      bla bla bla
      * Remove all of those lines and your styleswitcher will disappear from your header.

      Maybe, the next frequently asked question is:
      "After I removed that code, how I set the default font, color, etc ?"
      * In the same file, index.php of your template folder, there must be written clear, something like: $default_font, $default_width, $default_color, etc. Just change the value.

      2. StyleSwitcher Can Not Work
      + "500 Internal Server Error"
      + "The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request."
      + Bla bla bla ....

      Got any error like that ? Or there is no change although you click the styleswitcher ?

      There are many possibilities regarding to this problem. Bellow I write a little of my experience about this problem.

      * CHMOD Your Template folder AND(INCLUDE) "all" the files under that folder to 755.
      Please remember, NOT only the folder, but also the files in the Template folder.

      Why I write "all" ? In my thought, maybe at least rt_styleswitcher.php and rt_styleloader .php are enough, but I see some users sometime still get the problem if they didn't CHMOD ALL the files under the folder.

      Why CHMOD the files to 755? Is it secure?
      Most of Servers comes with 644 for default and it means all files are readable but not to be written and executed. However, I have asked some server administrators I know and they all say it's fine to CHMOD 755 (Readable and executable, but writable only by the owner). So I think it's secure at all.

      * Some times it work with domain.com but not with www.domain.com or even the inverse.
      This problem may be caused by the confused cookies based on your url.
      To solve this, I suggest to point your domain into one url (eg. when user type domain.com, it will be changed automatically to www.domain.com )

      How to do this ?
      Open your .htaccess file and add this line:
      RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^domain.com$ [NC]
      RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://www.domain.com/$1 [R=301,L]
      NOTE: Please check that the line "RewriteEngine On" is uncommented(NO # symbol infront of RewriteEngine On) in your default joomla htaccess file.

      * Still not work ? Check your configuration.php in your Joomla folder, and find this line:
      $mosConfig_live_site, then set the value to:
      $mosConfig_live_site = ' www.domain.com ';
      NOTE: Don't add slash in the end $mosConfig_live_site = ' www.domain.com/ '; --> You will got error in your page. Just remove the slash " / " in the end.

      * Still not work again ?
      Take a look at this thread:
      Maybe it can help you well.

      * And still not work again ?
      Hmm.. Dont be angry ;D, take a cup of coffee, have a fun chat and relax your mind, you will solve the problem soon after that. ;)

      Just my little little help, and again, please correct me if I am wrong.
      Sorry for my English, because it's not my mother tounge. Still learn and learn. :D

      Best Regards,

      Arifin FinLy
    • Last Edit: 9 years 2 months ago by Kat05.
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    Re: About StyleSwitcher in Versatility, Carbonation, etc

    Posted 18 years 3 months ago
    • Just a little precision.
      If you want totally remove the style switcher, you need also to remove the line:
      require($mosConfig_absolute_path."/templates/" . $mainframe->getTemplate() . "/rt_styleloader.php");

      And changes lines (For carbonation/carbonite):
      $default_font = "default"; // smaller | default | larger
      $default_width = "thin"; // wide | thin
      $default_color = "red"; // blue | green | orange | red | pink | grey
      $fontstyle = "f-default";              // f-smaller | f-default | f-larger
      $widthstyle = "w-thin";                // w-wide | w-thin 
      $colorstyle = "red";&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;    // blue | green | orange | red | pink | grey

      And changes lines (for VersatilityI-II):
      $default_width = "fluid"; // wide | thin | fluid
      $fontstyle = "f-default";              // f-smaller | f-default | f-larger
      $widthstyle = "w-thin";                // w-wide | w-thin | w-fluid

      And changes lines (for Mobius):
      $default_width = "thin"; // wide | thin
      $default_font = "default"; // smaller | default | larger
      $default_style = "style1"; // style1-6
      $widthstyle = "w-thin";                // w-wide | w-thin
      $fontstyle = "f-default";              // f-smaller | f-default | f-larger
      $tstyle = "style1";&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; // style1-6

      For the others and futurs templates, open rt_styleloader.php and see the first lines to know the usefull variables and eventual suffixes.
    • Anonymous's Avatar

    Re: About StyleSwitcher in Versatility, Carbonation, etc

    Posted 18 years 3 months ago
    • $mosConfig_live_site, then set the value to:
      $mosConfig_live_site = ' www.domain.com ';

      worked for me!
    • GollumX's Avatar
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    Re: About StyleSwitcher in Versatility, Carbonation, etc

    Posted 18 years 3 months ago
    • thanks arifin and youyou

      you two are very helpful. true rockettheme hero's
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    Re: About StyleSwitcher in Versatility, Carbonation, etc

    Posted 18 years 2 months ago
    • I've wanted to get rid of that for ages...so thanks for the walk through!

      couple little issues tho...I still have the little pointer arrows hanging out there. Do I need new .png images to fix that? Also, I didn't delete these lines, I just commented them out, and now I have a tiny, grey */ sitting up there, all lonely and weird. (you can see it at www.TeamAlopecia.com , if you wonder what the heck I mean. It's pretty faint, but, of course, it jumps out at me and drives me mad)

      What did I do wrong? Or, as the commenting out seemed to work, should I just pull the trigger and delete the code.

      But, for my edification, I should like to know why that happened.

    • It feels like someone with a fever is yelling at my pants.
  • Re: About StyleSwitcher in Versatility, Carbonation, etc

    Posted 18 years 2 months ago
    • Hello Tom,

      I see your HTML source and found the problem is with your commenting.
      For commenting HTML code you must use :
      <!-- This is comment -->

      You are using /* bla bla bla */ now in your source. /* This is comment */ is used for commenting within PHP syntax.
      For example:
      /* This word will not be displayed */
      echo "This word will be displayed";

      So, to fix your problem, you just removed what I mentioned in the first post and You You's post or put the right commenting tag.

      Best Regards,

      Arifin FinLy
    • Last Edit: 18 years 2 months ago by Arifin FinLy.
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    Re: About StyleSwitcher in Versatility, Carbonation, etc

    Posted 18 years 2 months ago
    • ooops...

      so I decided to just remove the code as it seemed the best option and this is now what happened!


      yuck! what did I do wrong?

      <div id="access">
      bla bla bla
      bla bla bla
      bla bla bla

      * Remove all of those lines and your styleswitcher will disappear from your header.

      I did that....
      If you want totally remove the style switcher, you need also to remove the line:

      require($mosConfig_absolute_path."/templates/" . $mainframe->getTemplate() . "/rt_styleloader.php");

      I did that....
      And changes lines (for VersatilityI-II):
      $default_width = "fluid"; // wide | thin | fluid

      $fontstyle = "f-default"; // f-smaller | f-default | f-larger
      $widthstyle = "w-thin"; // w-wide | w-thin | w-fluid

      and I did that.

      What am I missing?

    • It feels like someone with a fever is yelling at my pants.
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    • Ellie
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    Re: About StyleSwitcher in Versatility, Carbonation, etc

    Posted 18 years 2 months ago
    • I have undone all my changes from above, as my net result was a scrambled mess, and I just couldn't leave it that way any longer.

      But I still very much want to remove the switcher, so if anyone has ideas on what I may have done wrong, I would be in your debt. I've include a pic of what my stellar handiwork did to my site.

      Lovely, I know.

      Thanks for the help!

    • It feels like someone with a fever is yelling at my pants.
  • Re: About StyleSwitcher in Versatility, Carbonation, etc

    Posted 18 years 2 months ago
    • Hello Ellie,

      If you do exactly the way I and You You posted, I think all works well.
      Just remove:
      <div id="access">
      bla bla bla
      bla bla bla
      bla bla bla
      And also remove:
      require($mosConfig_absolute_path."/templates/" . $mainframe->getTemplate() . "/rt_styleloader.php");

      Best Regards,

      Arifin FinLy
    • Rifky Hidayat's Avatar

    Re: About StyleSwitcher in Versatility, Carbonation, etc

    Posted 18 years 2 months ago
    • Hello All, hello Arifin Finly and hello YouYou,

      I'm new user in rt_versatility.
      I join to this forum cause I want to remove "Style Switcher" too, and all I have done just like Miss Ellie
      but switcher effect still works uncontrol.


      <div id="access">
      bla bla bla
      bla bla bla
      bla bla bla

      * Remove all of those lines and your styleswitcher will disappear from your header.

      I did that....

      If you want totally remove the style switcher, you need also to remove the line:

      require($mosConfig_absolute_path."/templates/" . $mainframe->getTemplate() . "/rt_styleloader.php");

      I did that....

      And changes lines (for VersatilityI-II):
      $default_width = "fluid"; // wide | thin | fluid

      $fontstyle = "f-default"; // f-smaller | f-default | f-larger
      $widthstyle = "w-thin"; // w-wide | w-thin | w-fluid

      and I did that.

      Please need hear to all of you soon.



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